
Topic: Taglines/Names

Fine Florals And Event Rentals

Posted byflwrsbyjon 500 Points
I need a catchy,chic,cute,memorable, and easy to remember but different name for a my business. I want something that will make a nice logo and marketing material. Something that will be cute on a tshirt and awning. Short but very meaningful. Our company is very popular in our area but has grown into more than just a florist. We have Jennaffairs now but just want something else to compare to or a logo and slogan to make it pop.
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  • Posted byrakesh_sethia80on Accepted
    You May Use These:
    "F'Lovers" (in terms with Flowers)
    "Fragnance Of Love"
    "Desired Emotions"
    "Eternal Bliss"
    "Dew Dunes"
    "Eliting Power"
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Some ideas to play with:
    * Blooming Events
    * Eventful
    * Eventide
    * White Envelope Events

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