
Topic: Strategy


Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I work for a Graphic design agency and i wondered if anyone has some ideas for business development - especially in these challenging times!

We're working with our existing clients who are referring us to other departments. But I'd be interested to hear if people have ideas on 'new business' tactics...
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  • Posted by史蒂夫ByrneMarketingon Accepted

    I know it's tough. I have been the biz dev guy for graphic design firms in previous "slow downs". In my experience the answer is networking and working the phones.

    You probably know many of the group meetings available for you in your area. I can also check this site for many local meetings this week.

    But really, what worked best for me was just calling everybody, even asking "friendly" contacts for a couple of names of contacts I could call.

    Having an offer based strategy will help some. Not "buy one annual report, get one free", but this is the basic offer strategy idea.

    hope this helps,
  • Posted byLinda Whiteheadon Member
    I know of another graphic design agency who reached out to the local business community in a sincere way. They made an offer to help out local businesses during these difficult times, when companies need to market more than ever. They offered to put their expertise to work for local businesses at a reduced cost in order to make it more affordable. I wrote the copy for the direct mail piece, but do not know the results so can't tell you if it worked or not. I did think it was a good idea and thought I would pass it along.

    Hope this helps
    Linda Whitehead
    Zuz Marketing
  • Posted on Accepted
    Below are some ideas that have worked for my clients and associates. You may already be doing these but hopefully you can take something from this.

    1. Get active on Twitter for lead generation (search for conversations on "graphic design AND help" and get involved answering questions). The more you give here the more likely you will be to generate some good leads.

    2. Participate in forums and online communities where your potential customers are likely to be. Offer advice and answer questions... Don't just advertise your services.

    3. As Steve said, is a great networking tool. You might also get involved in your local chamber of commerce if they have decent networking opportunities.

    4. Give a speech or webinar on what goes into good artwork and design... Maybe a beginner's guide. Something targeted at your prospect and customer base (ie. marketing directors, CEO's, etc)

    5. Start a blog and give away good information. Post some of your firm's best designs, post other good designs you find on the 'net and tell why they are good.

    The key to bringing in more cash in these challenging times is to GIVE first. Some of the most successful firms right now are giving away tips and information to help their prospects... Without expecting anything in return. It just so happens that when people feel like they are getting something of value from a company, it makes them want to do business with them when the need arises.

    These are just a few of the tactics that I have seen work (there are several more). With more information on your firm I could provide a little more detailed approach.

    Hope this help,
    Zack Pike

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