
Topic: Advertising/PR

Advertising For A Home Maintenance Company

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am now venturing into the general home subindustry from general construction and would like some advise on the most effective methods to advertise my company. Direct mailing, web mailing, or guerilla advertising/marketing? Or should I integrate my communication mix? Help!
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Instead of focusing on the tools to market, focus on the strategy for marketing. Who exactly are you targeting? Where are they located? What makes your company better/different from the competition? Once you have the answers to these questions, you have the start for creating a marketing strategy, and can pick the right tools to market yourself to your prospective clients.
  • Posted byajanzeron Accepted
    In your particular industry, I'd work very hard on building referrals - Word of mouth and reference seem to be the strongest marketing tactics for something like home remodeling/building. One agency I saw did a nice job of sending a letter to all of the neighbors when they were doing work in the area, giving a number to call if there was a problem with any of the workers, noise or mess. In my area, we have an active community Yahoo group that provides references, so get involved and advertise in local school programs, etc., in the geographic areas in which you want to work. Online marketing (website, etc) should back up the general strategy.

    Those are just my thoughts, from a consumer perspective! Good luck.
  • Posted byjoshuacrumbaughon Accepted
    口碑非常重要,但primarily because people need to know that their investment in your company is secure. In many cases you will be in their home displacing part of their lives while the remodel is complete and there are plenty of horror stories about companies who only wanted to do the tear down and then just didn't show up after. I tell you this not because I suspect you of that, but rather so you'll understand the consumer mindset. Now I'll tell you how to overcome it in record time. Call up Time magazine or an equivalent who offers regional advertising. Purchase a one month one page ad and simply write a story about your business, its ethics and why you're the best. Once the ad prints; you copy it and write the words "As seen in Time Magazine" above the top and use that as your flyer/mailer, post it in your office and give it to you clients to hand out to their friends. Keep in mind it's the reputability their after more than the personal referral and this is only trick that can be used.

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