
Topic: Website Critique

Website Critique And Sales

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We just launched a site 3 months ago, and have been just starting to optimize it for better visibility. We get OK traffic (steady 60 visits a day) most all from reference and not as much organic. Have been getting review on blogs, even doing a give-a-way right now on another blog.

MY ISSUE is that we have very minimal sales, very minimal. SO i was looking for your feedback, is it the site itself, the product, descriptions, paypal? Please let me know your thoughts.

Our product is modern nursery art.
many thanks in advance
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  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for your insight. In response we do have meta tags for each page, and with them becoming less and less important i can't see that being a major adjustment. Google Analytics are also implemented and i have been utilizing them for better keyword targeting to see what is working. I have thought of changing the keywords in the title and throughout but feel that those are pretty specific to my product. Any longtail keywords may not fetch the audience i'm looking for...
    Like i stated we sales are basically null. we get great response from people viewing the site for the giveaway (although their responses are skewed due to the giveaway) see here: yes, i have implemented seo for my wordpress blog as of recently to get better url's)
    Any other suggestions?

  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    How are people finding you and what are they looking for? What pages specifically do they visit? Are people thinking about buying and are scared off by the price or are not not even looking beyond your home page?

    Since you don't have any wall designs nor one-of-a-kind items, eliminate those menus.

    Add testimonials and pictures of babies smiling at your artwork.

    Get rid of the PayPal logo to the right of the "add to cart" button. It doesn't strengthen your sales action.
  • Posted on Accepted
    A few thoughts:

    1) You're asking for a signup at the top, but I can't tell what I'd get or why I would want to sign up for it.

    2) The slogan at the bottom is superfluous.

    3) The artwork looks very pretty and appealing, but you're not selling me on it. I recommend re-working the copy. Let me see, feel, and breathe it.

    "Bright-red butterflies bring a touch of outdoor cheer into your child's room. Each piece is individually made using an intensive process that takes 2 weeks to complete. The canvas is hand-stretched to fit tightly over the frame, so it won't warp or sag."

    4) You're asking me to share your site before I've gotten to know you. Save the sharing for informative content (like decorating tips).
  • Posted on Member

    Are you using Google Analytics, or another analytics tool? I think you could gain some valuable insight in to your problems. At what point are visitors bailing, how far are they making it in to the shopping process, etc. After you figure that out, it'd be a good idea to start testing some tweaks and see what makes an impact. Good luck!

  • Posted byLinda Whiteheadon Accepted
    Jim, in my opinion your site is an attractive site and easy to navigate.
    In very simplistic terms, I think it is not that obvious that it is an e-commerce site. On the home page, there is the "shop" button on the left, but it doesn't stand out at all. Everything is so tastefully done, the e-commerce aspect just doesn't stand out. I think you need to revamp the home page. You really do need to analyze traffic stats to figure out where your problem is, as has already been suggested (see Alexa stats next paragraph). However, my main observation is that this is not an "in-your-face" e-commerce site, which most of the successful ones are. Strengthen your e-commerce offering on the home page and you should see better results. I went to and your bounce rate is very high-66.7% average over 3 months. 2/3 of users are leaving after they hit the home page so I suspect my theory is correct.
    Also, I did a search for "Nursery Art" on Google and your web site did not come up on the first 4 pages-paid or organic. So, I conclude that you need to examine the effectiveness of your Google Adwords program and your SEO efforts. According to Alexa, the number one keyword search term to get to your site is 'how to form baby'. I am sure most people are disappointed once they get there and see that your site doesn't really help them with that-hence the high bounce rate.
    Let me know if you need any further assistance-good luck.

    Linda Whitehead
    ZUZ Marketing
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks all for your responses and insight. Yes, we are using Google Analytics, from what I am gathering I'll need to dig deep in to the data, find out where my exits are happening as well as make some changes to see if i can't minimize my bounce rate.

    It's true, our design is more graphical and since it is we have added tasteful lines of copy where we can i.e. the footer to splash keywords in the top, middle as well as the bottom of the page.

    I'm just curious though, as nobody has mentioned the click-through to the paypal store... in your expert opinion does that deter you from buying? I have every intension of putting together an e-commerce storefront integrated into the site but with the minimal response in purchases it not a cost i feel i can offset right now...
    Also, product shots, should i have more? should i enlarge the visuals (they seem large enough)

    thanks all

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