
Topic: Website Critique

Small Business Marketing Blog

Posted bySteve Mooreon 250 Points
I just started writing a small business marketing blog and would like some feedback on anything and everything about it.

My focus right now is on content and creating actual value in a visit to my blog. I am not too focused at this point on SEO. I plan to use social networking sites, local networking events, word of mouth, etc. to promote it.

Feedback on my site's pages would also be appreciated. If you read the "about" page, or the "What is marketing?" page, what do you think?

Thanks for your time.
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  • Posted byLinda Whiteheadon Accepted
    Hi Steve, I just started a blog in the last couple of months and am still evolving mine as well. I think your content is good-you have quick educational articles that provide info on bite-size topics. It is not overwhelming for the small business person who doesn't have a lot of time available.
    On the About page, you should look at including some type of credentials if you really want to go into marketing consulting. I am sure you bring some experience to the table. Quite frankly, the fact that you are writing blog posts on marketing isn't enough to earn confidence. You could be regurgitating material you are gathering elsewhere. And just because you can write doesn't necessarily mean you can do. When you say you don't have former clients or 10 years of marketing experience, what do you have? I would tend to be more positive and talk about what your assets really are.
    All the best,
    Linda Whitehead
    ZUZ marketing
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Since you're writing in "first person", show me a picture of you. Tell me why I should spend time reading your site. What's your "angle"? Experience? Target market?
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    Dear Steve,

    Congratulations on your blog's launch. I'm in the process of
    putting together a blog and I feel your pain, truly I do

    You have bite-sized, readable articles and it's obvious you've worked hard to build a wide portfolio. As your reader, I'd like to know more about the person writing to me.

    谁are you? What do you look like? Where are you? What have you done? For whom? For how long? Write to your reader, about your reader: his needs, her problems, their desires, dreams, and pain points.

    Then see where things go. Again, congratulations on the launch of your blog.

    I hope my comments are helpful, and that you'll be willing to offer advice on my humble offering.

    Good luck to you.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA

  • Posted bySteve Mooreon Author
    I appreciate all of the input. I am going to take a day or two, think about all of the suggestions, make some changes, and get back with you all.

    To Linda's point, what would be reasonable for me to do to earn the confidence of potential clients? We all know that results are what really speak the loudest. I was thinking about donating my time to a business that really needed some marketing help, and writing a case study about it on my blog. What does everyone think?

    说实话,我有一个市场营销学位,两年啊f marketing experience and two years of retail management experience. All of course working for someone else, so it is hard to say "hey, this is what I can do for you." Obviously, that is not a traditional consultants resume. I am comfortable with that because my target market is small businesses that don't have large budgets as of yet.


    You asked about my angle. Tell me what you think.

    My mission is to bridge the gap between the marketing needs of small businesses, and the availability of cost effective and relevant professional marketing consulting.

    Just as importantly, the purpose of my small business marketing blog is to create a community of like-minded small business owners who want to jump-start their marketing efforts, and dispel the marketing myths that seem to pervade many small businesses.


    Your comments are super helpful. I would love to take a look at your blog and let you know what I think.

    Maybe writing is really where my strength is at, as this short story might demonstrate.

    Thanks again,

    Steve Moore
  • Posted bySteve Mooreon Author
    I appreciate everyone's time. Each response gave me a lot to think about. Thanks again. Good luck to everyone.


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