
Topic: Strategy

Becoming The Media With Community Awards

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We have watched a local newsprint outlet start 'The Best of Awards' which they have subscribers go online and vote for the best coffee house, movie theatre, etc. Once a yr they give out the awards in the community. This also drives people to advertise with them.

We are just looking for more publicity and to be seen as the creative 'experts' in our town. We are an art and jewelry gallery, over 10 yrs in the community and have an online virtual publication called Vivid. We would like to have ViViD awards given out each yr to the best artist in town, art teacher, creative arts after school program, etc. The problem is, we want to have a banquet for these people, but dont want to foot the bill. Do we charge for nominations? $10 per nomination to help cover awards/food costs? Also, what awards should we give out? We dont want to give the award to a competing retailer, so trying to think of creative awards that we can recognize people in the community...just trying to get more press in town and seen as the art experts in town. Any ideas on what we can do to pull this off???
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  • Posted byLinda Whiteheadon Accepted
    Phil is right-you have to put together a plan and budget before you can do anything.
    It is possible to do an event without it costing you money, if you can gain sponsorship. As an art and jewellery gallery, do you potentially have any suppliers who may be interested in helping you make this a success with the opportunity to promote their brands?
    我确实相当grea运行t event for the 50th anniversary of our family business at no cost to us. We established a sponsorship program with three levels of sponsorship and different benefits attached to each level. We had a tremendous response from suppliers. We did not expect at all to have the event fully paid for by sponsorship but that is the way it worked out. It was a first class affair as well.
    If you don't have an opportunity like this, it will be difficult. I would not charge for nominations because no one will pay. You might want to explore potential interest with your suppliers if this is at all applicable in your situation.
    Good Luck
    Linda Whitehead
    ZUZ Marketing
  • Posted on Author
    GREAT POINTS! and I think we can get the supplier any ideas on what awards we would give out in the community? any suggestions would be great! Thanks!

  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Awards don't have to be monetary - they can be an award that they can display in their storefront. Make sure that the press is invited and you send out press releases highlighting the winners. This type of award is better than money - it helps build clientele for the winners.
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    Dear Nicole,

    As you've given no outline for a timeline, you might want to figure out when will be the best time for your awards ceremony to take place and work back from there.

    This will give you ideas about the weather you might encounter (you're based in Montreal, yes?), a location for your award ceremony, who it is that might present your awards (perhaps someone from the world of jewelry or fashion?), and give you more time to find or offer sponsorships.

    Companies sponsor events like this for several reasons, three of which are:

    A). Because it gives them cheap advertising
    B). Because they have a connection to the industry in some way
    C). Because their association with a cause gives them a certain appeal.

    So, decide on differing tiers of sponsorship and tell potential sponsors that for this much, you get platinum status, for that much, you get gold, and so on, with logo sizes and placement varying accordingly.

    When sponsors know that someone they consider a major competitor is on a similar level, they're more likely to ask for (and expect) more bang for their buck.

    赞助商是要问的第一个问题是“我f I'm sponsoring your event, what do I get for my money?"

    If your guest of honour is someone well known, this can again be used as bait to pull in bigger sponsors.

    But the other contributors are right, you've got to have a detailed plan before you can begin thinking about the "thing" you're going to give people.

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA

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