
Topic: Website Critique

B2c Website Critique

Posted byKeithon 250 Points
I'm interested in opinions about the usability of this site, if its messaging and value prop are clear, and if the pricing makes sense.

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  • Posted on Accepted

    I think the site looks clean and sharp, nice work! My only question is, why the invitation code? Seems like an un-needed step unless there is some strategy behind it.

    Also, you should check out It's launching tomorrow, and you should be able to get some more feedback.

    Good luck!
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    Dear k770,

    Great home page. Consider changing the "FEATURES" heading to "BENEFITS", with copy amended accordingly.

    If I've spent a small fortune on a smartphone, I'm all featured out, Give me benefits to woo me.

    The sign in/sign up isn't clear enough. This means ditching the invitation code. Never heard of this and honestly, it will put people off and tick them off. I know why you've done it, but it's an extra step, an additional hoop to jump through.

    As your client, I don't want hoops. I don't like hoops. Hoops is bad.
    我希望prote来ction for my Blackberry. With me?

    Tell people what they get in return for signing up, then deliver.
    But don't tick them off.

    Nice clear "sign up for more details" box on every page, top right, will help you create a list to market to.

    Great FAQ page. Now, will you be linking it to your site map? Which reminds me. You need a site map.

    Contact page: Lots of lovely e-mail addresses! But might there be too many? And one glaring omission: no phone number. You're a telecommunications type company but you don't have a telephone?

    Not good.

    About us: you don't say who you are. Who is behind your company? Names, images, stories ... all adds to your credibility dear heart.

    Testimonials and press: Show me who has written about you, who has used your service, what they liked, and what they didn't like.

    How about a mini video showing the device doing its thing? Might help you. Showing, not telling and all that.

    Otherwise. Nice site. Great layout. Simple. Clear. Easy.

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
  • Posted byLinda Whiteheadon Accepted
    In addition to everything that Andrew and Gary said:
    I would suggest some lead generation tools in addition to the Free Trial. Free Trial is always powerful although you definitely need to ditch the invitation code as already suggested. Do not complicate your free trial sign-up as it will limit the number of sign-ups you get.
    I have found tremendous success with content marketing as a way of nurturing leads along. For those who are not ready for the free trial, you need other registration options to keep them interested and move them along in the process.
    You could create a newsletter with relevant topics, with articles such as: how to protect your mobile phone from theft, product news from different cell phone providers, tips on using various applications etc. Just some suggestions. If you need help with this let me know.
    On your contact us page, you should also list some key human names, photos and also a corporate address as well as a phone number as mentioned by Gary. Makes you look real. You need more info on your company overall to legitimize you.
    Good Luck
    Linda Whitehead
    ZUZ Marketing
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Given the volume of FAQs - a way to search your site.

    There's a disconnect in going from your website to your blog. No link to click to back to your home page.

    找出你需要的点击pricing. Make it more transparent.

    Will you offer this for other cell phones (e.g., iPhone)?

    SEO-wise: Here is some feedback:
  • Posted on Accepted
    Very nicely designed site! Easy to navigate, except for getting back to the site from the blog.

    Only a few things to add to the comments so far:

    1) Break up the FAQs into topics, with subheads (so it's easier to find the relevant information).

    2) There's a typo on the features page, "When needed, log in to your Tyfish account and pay only when its time to activate the service. " It should say it's time to activate...

    3) The blog isn't doing much good if you don't post more frequently. Give people reasons to visit, ask questions, share experiences with your service, etc.


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