
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name Of A Rock And Roll Band

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points

They are down to two names...
Texas Hippie or Saddle Tramps

Texas Hippie is what the leader has been called in his band life. Saddle Tramps I came up with because it describes what a RR band does: A bunch of guys traveling around looking to get gigs, then move on.

I need your votes asap.
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Sorry sir,

    Have to go with Texas Hippie. Saddle Tramps has too many negative connotations possible.

    Best of luck,

  • Posted on Member
    Hey WMMA,

    Don't mind at all. I'm 32 and very into my local music scene.

    I'm not really fond of Texas Hippie. I just chose it of the two options offered.

    Supertramp got by with their name in SPITE of its connotations not BECAUSE of them. (Just my opinion).

    为什么(原谅双关语)“马鞍”yourself with unneeded obstacles?

    I am a huge RNR fan and hope your band has all the success in the world. I just wanted to offer my honest opinion.


  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    Dear WMMA,

    Texas Hippie. Catchy. Hip. With it. Cute.

    But as for "Supertramp", as a band name? I fear you'll find the original Supertramp people (minus Roger Hodgson) might object.

    Hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer.
    Wilmington, DE, USA

  • Posted on Accepted
    Saddle Tramps.......YEA!!!
    Texas Hippie is too girly for a Rock and Roll Band
    I told you like a RR fan

    Like professional, I think Saddle Tramps is a name whit a good insight because you can imagine a whole new concept musical
  • Posted byLinda Whiteheadon Accepted
    I love Saddle Tramps! I think it is really catchy and fitting. I too think that the Hippie connation is just too old school.
    My vote for what it is worth.
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    Dear WMMA,

    Whoops ... and apologies for not having read more. It's late in the evening and my eyelids are evidently heavier than I realized.

    I still like Texas Hippie.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA

  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Randall -

    Both names are apparently used by RnR bands (don't know if either are your clients):

    The obvious concern is name/band confusion.

    Personally, it would matter the type of music that the band plays. Texas Hippie sounds more new-agey while Saddle Tramps sounds more grunge.
  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Accepted
    Hippies are becoming grandma and grandpa. I vote for the Saddle Tramps
  • Posted on Accepted
    It was mentioned that the name is descriptive of what a RR band does, but what about their music? Have you thought about choosing a name that is more descriptive of and in line with what they actually play? I would recommend finding a name that is specific to this particular band and the people in it, instead of just RR in general.

    I agree with PR - I'm not terribly fond of either name, although I'd definitely go with Saddle Tramps out of the two.

  • Posted on Accepted
    Rattlesnake Jockey

    Texas Fodder

    Buzzard Bones

    Dirt Road Band

    sorry, but that's all i've got. good band names are tough to come by.

  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    Dear WMMA,

    A few suggestions:

    Rattlesnake Hoboes
    The Lone Star Band
    San Antonio Hill
    Rio Grande
    Santa Anna

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    Some more ideas for your band, Randall:

    If you're tied in with the "saddle" idea: Hard Saddle, Heavy Saddle, Saddle Soars, Saddle Headache, Saddle Nights (none seem to be used by any bands I could find).

    If you're going more Southwest: Adder Rockers, Whip Snake, Vine Snake, Ground Snake, Garter Snake, etc. (ditto)

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