
Topic: Other

Sponsorship For A Fitness Company

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have my own Fitness Consulting Company and I'm looking to add more captial through sponsorship. The company needs a building to operate and produce our services. How do I find the right companies to sponsor us?
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Look at your competitors - are they sponsored? If so, consider the sponsor's competitors (since there's already a precedent).
  • Posted bySteve Mooreon Accepted
    Ask yourself what you stand for (what is your position and your branding all about) and what your company stands for. There is a great possibility that your target market and/or existing customers are interested in the same things. A lot of the time it is practically irrelevant what you as a person believe in because you are selling the company, not yourself. However, as a fitness consulting firm you are definitely selling yourself, or at least you should be.

    Anyway, approach sponsors that support your branding and positioning. Make sure you know what you are asking for and what your sponsors will get in return.

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