
Topic: E-Marketing

Bring More Fans To Your Facebook Page For Jewelry.

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
What suggestions do people have to gain a larger following on the facebook fan page. We are a luxury silver jewelry company and would like to have more fans of our facebook page. We can do a lucky draw for every new member that joins and give them free jewelry and announce the winners on the facebook page. If so where would you post a message like that. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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  • Posted byLinda Whiteheadon Member
    You should send out invitations announcing the contest-find people you know who have large Facebook networks and see if they will send out the invite for you. Try to spread it virally. Post the offer on Twitter with a link to your Facebook page. If you aren't on Twitter or don't have a large following, see if you know people who do and ask them to post the offer for you. If you are connected with any bloggers in your industry, see if they will post your offer on their blog.

    I don't know whether you want to spend any money on this initiative or not, but if you do you may want to consider Facebook advertising or doing an online press release to relevant publications.

    Hope this helps
    Linda Whitehead
    Zuz Marketing
  • Posted bymelissa.paulikon Member
    I find blogging to be one of the best ways to drive visitors to Facebook, LinkedIn, a web page or wherever else I want to send them.

    Just "keep it real" with your blogging. I would think in the jewelry business there are all kind of topics you could write about e.g. how to select a diamond. Think "what would people Google before coming to my store?" Make sure these posts are helpful to your customers and not just about your products.

    You can also post the offer on your blog.

    All the best!

  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted

    Before we all get too bent out of shape about Facebook, Twitter, and every other kind of social media, let's consider the very real need to consider an important distinction: fans are not necessarily going to be shoppers.

    我喜欢很多事情:酸制酵母;RAC随着ard Rally; the International Herald Tribune, and peanut butter and cream cheese sandwiches. But I don't buy or consume, let alone think about these things every day.

    Does this mean I'm not a loyal fan? no, it doesn't. It just means these things are not a large part of my everyday life because their story lines don't cross my mind on a daily or weekly basis.

    How does anyone gain a larger following on a Facebook fan page?
    The same way you'd gain a larger following in the offline world: you engage people by asking them about the most important things in the world: themselves.

    或more to the point, you feature the stories that make up people's lives by creating a mini-drama. It can be based on
    real people, real events, but whatever it's based on it must be interesting. It's got to engage people and it's got to pique their attention.

    I posted an article on this subject on my blog at 1.00 am
    this morning. It is, in my opinion, the second of the ten Commandments of Marketing, and it's this: don't be dull.

    The other thing about social media is that mostly, people that are engaged in the act of interacting with that specific media are not generally in shopping mode: they're in social mode.

    So make your message social and link subtle steps back to specific offers and particular events that you just happen to have a special offer on, but an offer that's connected to a tight deadline or a limited quantity, so you'll have urgency and scarcity working in your favour and not against you, as is so often the case when retailers look at their customers, or, more to the point, at their lack of effort to go out and actively FIND customers who are in the market for a specific thing, or to solve a particular need.

    Use Twitter to engage people and to create a relationship based on emotion. Push traffic from Twitter to Facebook. Use Facebook to push traffic to your blog, website, or online store. And use your website, blog or online store to funnel traffic to your bricks and mortar store.

    And all along the pathway, offer value-laden up sells, opportunities to connect, compelling stories, tantalizing trinkets, and reasons to make the customer feel better, not because they've spent money, but because you made them look good or even great in the eyes of a loved one.

    I hope this helps.

    Gary bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA

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