
Topic: E-Marketing

Lead Generation

发布by Anonymous on 25 Points
Hi there

I was wondering if you had an creative ideas for lead generation for my new Internet Marketing Consultancy Company. I am based in Perth, Western Australia. Perhaps you can suggest any networks/associations I should join or if there is any other freelancers who would be interested in partnerships?

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  • 发布byLinda Whiteheadon Accepted
    Hi, I have had success with LinkedIn. I would suggest that you start a blog on topics of interest to potential clients, and promote it via LinkedIn. I have promoted through Twitter as well, but LinkedIn seems to work better and I have seen other industry stats/case studies to back this up. On LinkedIn, make sure you join all relevant marketing groups and you can post your blog posts as news articles.

    Good Luck
    Linda Whitehead
    Zuz Marketing
  • 发布on Author
    Hi Linda

    Thanks for your comments. I do agree with you in regards to LinkedIN. Lately I have been joining relevant marketing groups and been interacting with some of the members. I'll give the blog post a go!

  • 发布bymatthewmnexon Accepted
    Strange ???

    You are opening an internet marketing consultancy ??

    You want to charge customers fees to help them with their internet marketing and lead generation but you are asking help from the people here for basic ideas about how to generate leads for your own company???

    If I am paying a consutant - then I am paying for expertise.

    if you don;t have any expertise to sell, then why are you trying to sell yourself as an internet marketing consultant??

    Sorry to be so blunt but the professional people in this forum like to share expertise with other professionals.

    If you had asked a question such as, My lead generation campaigns are working well but I need some ideas to optimise a certain aspect of the landing page -

    or -

    In collectiing phone numbers on my data collection form, can I make the field mandatory - what experience have others had with respect to completion rates ??

    Then you may have received plenty of interested respondents.

    Your question is like going to a plumber and saying Hi I'm also a plumber, can you please tell me how to unblock a sink !!!!!

    Good luck.


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