
Topic: Strategy

Market Research For New Product & Business Plan

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi all,

As part of our product suite we are looking at introducing a new product. For this I would like to create a detailed strategy and Business Plan.
For me - as the product is still only at conception stage - I think that the first step is Market research but would be grateful to get your advice on what you think are the main steps involved here in creating a specific detailed plan & strategy that is real & action-able?

Also, if anyone has links to a very good finished business plan - it would be great to see what the ideal finished plan should be.

Thanks in advance
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Can you tell us some more about your product and your business so that we can help you better?

    What sort of product is it? Detergent? Tires? Software?
    Where are you located?
    Who is your target market? Consumers? Businesses? Senior citizens? Pet owners?
    Is this an established company introducing a new product or a brand-new business?

    Meanwhile, here are some business plan links that may help (these are geared toward the USA, since you didn't say where you were):


  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    Dear DaveTw,

    Before you get all bent out of shape about a business plan you need to answer a really important question; a question that will make the difference between success and failure.


    Are there buyers for this new product. Is there a genuine need to which your product is the solution?

    If no one wants to buy the thing, you'll be wasting your time, energy, resources, money, and effort.

    Personally, I'm weary—no, scratch that—I'm sick to death of hearing about businesses in an all fired hurry to change the world through the delivery of this or that, I'm sick of hearing about some outfit hell bent on making a killing with this or that, but that hasn't asked out loud "Is anyone interested in buying this thing?" and thereby saving themselves a world or pain and debt.

    So yes, your first step is market research: to see if there IS a market. To find out if there IS a need that your thingy (whatever the heck it is) can solve, a pain your do-dad can salve, a desire your what's-it can can make real.

    There are readers of this forum who won't like this next bit, but that's just life.

    Anyone who tells you "Buyers? Buyers? Don't worry about buyers! You produce it, we'll find the buyers!" is an imbecilic nit wit.

    There's no point in launching anything if you don't have pre-qualified, eager buyers with a problem to solve.


    Because they are hundreds of times easier to market to by virtue of them being pre-sold on curing their problem. This means your marketing dollars work harder and bring you a higher return on your investment.

    And as for business plans? Google the term and you'll find dozens of offerings on the first two pages alone.

    I hope this helps and I wish you the best of luck. Now, go and find your buyers, THEN craft your product around a need.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA

  • Posted byLinda Whiteheadon Accepted
    Hello Dave
    I completely agree with the responses above-do not proceed to business plan without doing market research. There are several ways to do research-survey your current customers, create some customer focus groups, use social networking sites to get product feedback etc. With all the online tools available, market research can be conducted fairly economically and there is no excuse not to do it. It just doesn't make sense these days to launch a new product without understanding if there is really a need for the product.

    I have a good business plan outline if you get to that stage. You can email me for it if you need it, it is not posted online.

    Hope this helps,
    Linda Whitehead
    Zuz Marketing
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    I'd recommend that you get a market research professional to give you some advice. The hour or two of their time you buy will be worth many times the cost.

    If you need a recommendation, let me know. Just click on my screen name and use the email address shown there.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Don't bother starting on a business plan unless your goal is to get investors. Start with a strategy plan (which incorporates some of the suggestions from about: who you're targeting, what problem they have, how you solve their problem, why they should trust you, etc.). While the strategy plan does incorporate some revenue guesstimates, the business plan focuses on revenue projections and touches upon some strategy.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks all for your help & advice

    Market research as you all mention - will indeed be our first step.
    What would be your advice here in doing the actual research? Look to employ a specific market research company or to go to potential market ourselves and include them from the outset?
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    Does it have to be either/or, or can you do both?

    It certainly sounds like it wouldn't hurt to talk to potential customers and hear for yourself what they have to say. But to get the most out of that exercise, you want to have a carefully planned interview guide, prepared by someone who knows how to do this sort of thing.

    Then you may want to ALSO conduct some primary research using a market research firm, or doing it yourself with some expert guidance.

    Either way, you probably should at least start with a consulting session with someone who has been down this path before.
  • Posted on Author
    Hi all,
    Thanks for all your thoughts and responses here.

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