
Topic: Strategy

How To Do Marketing Of A Eipp Solution?

Posted byMaximuson 500 Points

Currently, EIPP (electronic invoice payment and presentment) market is going to experience a boom in US and European Market. I am looking for a marketing strategy to market the EIPP solution specifically to SME segment in US and Europe. According to me, the existing paths of marketing these solutions are email and tele-marketing, webinars etc.

Please suggest if there is any other innovative strtaegy can be implemented to attract major clients.

Looking forward to major responses.

Best Regards,
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  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Accepted
    My mentor taught me that list and offer are the two most important components of a successful marketing campaign.

    so ...

    1. compile an up to date list of SME targets

    2. make a compelling offer that also differentiates you from any competition.

    email and tele-marketing, webinars all work.

    good luck,

  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Start by answering these basic strategy questions:
    * Why will it experience a boom?
    * What benefits will it provide SME segment (and who specifically in the company would most care)?
    * Why will your offering be better than the competition?

    Once you've identified who you're targeting, then identify the various opportunities to communicate with them: email, magazine articles/ads, trade shows, Ad Words, etc.

  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    Dear Maximus,

    Two of the best strategies to set yourself apart from the rest of the herd in any market are to be the first in any given sector and to meet and exceed people's needs.

    Add these to your ability to give great value, offer outstanding benefits, and follow up and through with every point of contact and you'll own your market.

    This then makes you the automatic first choice; the first name that pops into people's heads when they need your service.

    There may be others that follow your lead, but you'll always be able to say you did it first, that you set the bar.

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
  • Posted byMaximuson Author
    Dear Bloomer,

    Thanks for you response.
    But to the market which i am looking for is already having good competition especially US and europe whereas in other geographies like Asia-pacific market competition is low. Being a US company, we are starting from homeground and then later want to go ahead with Asia which is having high barriers to EIPP solutions due to govt. reguations and low customer acceptance levels.

    As steve and Jay have already stated few marketing paths to go forward, I was looking for something innovative to market this product in US market which especially targets B2B SME segment.

    More importantly, the company is especially looking for US government where electronic invoicing and payment systems can be implemented for their procurement deptt. Any Ideas on this?? Any specific way to approach, any specific place to get the contact details of Govt. deptt. or special offer to them while proposing to govt.

    Looking forward to your views.

    Best Regards, maximus
  • Posted byMaximuson Author

    As its a software application based on SaaS model, do you think their can be a specific marketing strategy for it.

    The reason I am looking for a different strategy here is because the market leader are already using the online marketing strategies like newsletters, scheduled webinars, free online demos & videos.

    I want to pitch this product at a different level for SME segment apart from our product features which are indeed in some manner different from others.

  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Accepted
    To dominate in this sector you need to have your product embedded fully into the banking system.

    Your product has to be the one under the "pay bills" button on bank websites, for example.

    So, how can you get to that point?

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