
Topic: Social Media

Splitting A Twitter Personality

Posted bymelissa con 500 Points
Hi everyone-

I've been on Twitter for a few months now and am three followers short of reaching 400. I twitter just for myself and mainly follower people who are in marketing or are moms (bloggers mainly). Twitter name: @mel_culbertson

I have two things I'm launching in the next couple of months and am having a Twitter identity crisis:

- Next month I am launching a blog about kids and the outdoors called Adventuroo. It will include personal stories, tips, local trail reviews (and beyond when I travel), etc.

- Next spring, I will be a mama of two and plan to expand my freelance marketing business. Right now I have one client and no web presence (as I can't take on new customers until I leave my job/reduce hours) but I plan to get a website up closer to then and start drumming up business.

So, what should I do with my Twitter personality? I follow mommy bloggers and marketing people equally. I thought I should create a new Twitter account for Adventuroo and then start following the same moms I follow under my current name. If that's the preferred way to go, should I let them know that my current Twitter account will focus more on marketing now? Ack- I'm confused and could use your opinions and experiences!
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  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    Dear Melissa,

    Use both. Carry on with your current name but begin driving
    traffic to either a blog or to a YouTube or Facebook fan page for Adventuroo.

    There’s nothing to stop you setting up the Adventuroo name in Twitter now because you can use it to and drive traffic to your blog, Facebook, etc.,. If you have not done so already REGISTER THE DOMAIN NAME FOR Adventuroo.

    Do it now.

    And, to protect your asset, register every variation of Adventuroo too (.org, .tv, .us, .biz).

    There’s no reason why “you” cannot remain you on Twitter AND have your new Adventuroo Twitter name. But to make a splash, you’ve GOT to connect more. Search Google for Mom-based forums and begin posting to them.

    Write articles for authority websites in your niche (and outside it too) and get those posts linked to your Facebook and Youtube sites (and that’s BOTH, not one or the other), and to your Twitter names (plural).

    Set yourself up as the “go to” mom and people will follow you, AND sign up at your website, once it’s live. Use Twitter to drive traffic to your blog, to Facebook, and to your YouTube fan page and use THOSE gateways to drive traffic to your website.

    Then, get people that visit your website to sign up for something free, something relevant to THEM, and then follow up to your sign ups with an auto responder that delivers quality, premium content.

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA

  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi Melissa! First, I agree with Gary, you should reserve the Adventuroo URLs and Twitter handle, at least.

    Second, I think you need to decide if you ultimately want your existing Twitter account to be for personal, or for business. It sounds like the 'mommy bloggers' are people you enjoy conversing with, and that's a more personal use. It also sounds like adventuroo would be a personal endeavor.

    And finally, how do you primarily use Twitter? Is it for personal or professional? Would you see this changing once you get your freelance business up and running? I use one twitter account (@MackCollier), and I use it primarily as a professional networking tool, and to conversate with others about issues and topics related to my business, such as social media, marketing, etc.

    In the end, I think you need to use Twitter in the way that you are most comfortable. For me, one account works fine, but then again 80% or so of my Twitter usage is professional. If it were closer to a 50/50 split, I might consider going with two accounts.

    Good luck, let us know what you decide!
  • Posted bymelissa con Author
    感谢the advice so far. I purchased the domain about a month ago and got my Twitter page set up too. I agree that two separate Twitter profiles is best. My current one will be my professional one and my Adventuroo will be personal. So my follow-up questions would then be...

    我告诉我的妈妈博客的妈妈一边吗me is moving and I'll follow them from Adventuroo? Or do I just let the cards fall as they may and just tweet that I have a new twitter name and explain why? Maybe I'm just overthinking this whole thing! :-)

    I currently use TweetDeck and it appears I can have two accounts with it. Any other apps you recommend to help manage two accounts?

    Thanks again!

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