
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Existing Neighbourhood Shopping Mall

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Good Day fellow friends,

i'm in need of a tagline for an 'average' shopping mall with hotel , and business center..

can't really find a USP for it as it is considered as average compared to others..

the name of the mall is 'The summit"

Definition of 'average' here means whatever The summit has to offer , the other mall can too...

But it's close to colleges, a large massive building, ample parking space, cinema,karaoke,varieties of fast food chains,video shop,printing shop,main stage for events, snooker.

thanks in advance
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  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Accepted
    The Summit ...

    The Perfect Neighbourhood Shopping Mall
    Your Neighbourly Shopping Mall
    Your Convenient Neighbourly Shopping Mall
    A Neighbourly Shopping Mall

    maybe very basic is all you really need.


  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    For A Peak Shopping Mall Experience
    Park Yourself Here.
    Window Shop To Your Heart's Content
  • Posted bySteve Mooreon Accepted
    The mall has to have a USP, otherwise people wouldn't shop there. The USP doesn't have to be something cutting edge. It can be subtle. Maybe the USP is that the feel, attitude, and vibe of the mall fits the people that shop there, and no other mall in the area does.

    找出为什么人们购物and use that to create your tagline. You said the mall is considered "average". Who considers it average? How do you know?

    There is nothing wrong with a basic tagline. Just keep in mind that a product or service is not required to have a tagline. It is likely that a tagline that is not well thought out could have the gimmicky factor and turn people off.

    Let me know what you think and hopefully I can help.

    Steve Moore
  • Posted on Author
    yea, i just found out that 'technically' the mall is the largest in town..

    thanks for the response ;)

    我知道这太快速判断这样一个购物中心d it may sound inappropriate. But i got to know that people actually thought it was just average..based on that i went on to judge the mall.
  • Posted byrakesh_sethia80on Accepted
    These Taglines may help you:
    "Shopping Experience Redefined"
    "For A True Shopping Experience"
    "Mall With the Difference"
    "For You, Always"

  • Posted bySteve Mooreon Member
    When a person looks at your logo/brand name and the accompanying tagline, you want them to be able to discern what the product or service is. There are a lot of examples however where that is not the case, such as Miller Lite's "Great Taste, Less Filling". The only reason we know that Miller Lite is beer is because of their massive branding campaign.

    My point is that if people see your mall's name, "The Summit" and tagline, that doesn't mention it's a mall or a place to shop, they might not get it.

    How about:

    The Summit

    Your mall. Your lifestyle.
    All of your style. One mall.

    Don't use the biggest mall or anything like it as a USP because someone could come along and build a bigger mall.

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