
Topic: Other

Looking For Marketing Firm In Ca

Posted bymktgcbb 150 Points
I've been asked by a customer for help identifying a Marketing firm in CA - specifically San Diego area. Customer is a service provider - think landscaping, construction, etc so would likely need help with strategy and execution. Green industry/Green marketing philosophy is a plus. Thanks!
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  • Posted bymichael Member
    Go to the "post a project" link on the right....

  • Posted bymgoodman Accepted
    I know there's great appeal to having someone "local," but in truth you may be able to get service that's every bit as good -- if not better -- with a knowledgeable professional who isn't in or near San Diego but knows the ropes for a service business like your customer's and/or Green marketing.

    When I ran a similar type business, some of my best marketing service providers were not from the immediate area. They just understood the issues facing the business and how others had addressed them successfully.
  • Posted bymktgcbb Author
    I know you don't need to be local to provide effective marketing guidance. . .I just tossed that in since the customer specified that preference.

    I was hoping to generate a trusted referral for our customer as well as possibly pass along a hot lead to a member on this site.

    Truth is, we could provide much of what he needed if we only had the bandwidth to do so. I appreciate everyone's insight.

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