
Topic: Branding

Logo Design Suggestions

发布的Anonymous on 25 Points

I am in the process of starting up my own business in event planning. The name of my company will be 'Topaz Events', with a blue topaz color scheme. I want the logo to be sophisticated, unique and memorable. The only thing I can come up with is the wording in Edwardian script in the blue topaz font color with a diamond as the 'o'. I am planning on contacting a professional logo company to develop it, but would like to see if anyone has any great ideas that I can run with? Thank you.

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  • 发布的mktgcbbon Accepted
    This may be splitting hairs...
    Edwardian script is certainly beautiful and conveys a stylish and sophisticated air. But in my experience, it can sometimes be difficult to read depending on the type size, background, etc. Also, I've heard that script is no longer being taught in schools. Fewer and fewer people are using it and many young adults aren't very familiar with it. Could this become an issue for your brand in the future?

    I know that wasn't the great idea that you're looking for. I really like the name and color scheme -- I think they are solid and powerful. You don't say what sort of events you are planning so I can't say what font is appropriate or not. But something less ornate that conveys strength competence and luxury might translate better into print.

    Good luck
  • 发布的Jay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Let people compete for your logo business example)
  • Posted on Accepted has some great freelance graphic designers that will do your logo proud!
  • 发布的Raymondon Accepted

    I'm a graphic designer in the process of starting my own small agency. Although it's in french, you can check out the current status of our website The look and feel should give you an good enough impression of whether or not you think we can help and franfly, at this stage, the we is quite probably going to be me! :o)

    Contrary to Phil, I like to get ideas of logos you like since to me, although your logo has to appeal to your market, it is an added feature when it also represents your company's personality - in this case, yours.

    You are more than welcome to reach me directly at


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