
Topic: Taglines/Names

Is Corporate Graffiti" A Good Name?

Posted by Anonymous on 205 Points
I am thinking calling my sign shop "Corporate Graffiti" with the tag line...."your sign is my signature"
I am a professional sign maker with 15 years experience.
All of the other sign shops in my area have surname's as there sign shop brands. For instance Atkin Signs, Nelson Signs,
Burrell Signs, Potts Signs and the list goes on.
没有天赋他们l. I want to be different.
I realise that people may be put off by the name "Graffiti" but with the correct logo design and marketing I think it will work well.
What do you think? I can emphasise next to the logo the wording....."need a sign?" etc... as not to confuse.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    It could work well with a tagline such as "Writing Your Business Name For Everyone To See". You'll definitely need a tagline to help anchor the meaning behind "Corporate Grafitti".
  • Posted bymktgcbbon Member
    I like the name "corporate graffiti" a lot. It's fun and has an edge to it. I definitely agree with the others though that you need to tie it more to sign making. If I were a customer, I might think that you provide additional graphics services to produce a whole range of visual-logo items for my business.

    "your sign is my signature" doesn't work for me. I'd be thinking, "it's my sign, my money, my signature." I haven't had enough coffee to be clever yet. All I can come up with is "sign language for your business." But to be safe, you might stick with something that speaks to the customer. Boring but clear will beat clever but esoteric every time.

    Good luck!

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