
Topic: Website Critique

Please Critique My Website

Posted bykelly.fitzgeraldon 25 Points
I am looking for advice on how to improve my website. Any feedback that you have would be greatly appreciated!! I’m looking for the good, the bad, and the ugly ;-)
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  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Accepted
    My initial feeling when I arrive on the home page is that I don't know where to begin. It's like a collection of tiles, all competing against one another. Too busy, with no obvious hierarchical approach.

    The menu is fine, although a bit bland, and when I hover on main menu items I can see what I'm going to get on that page. But for me the home page lacks any kind of introduction or explanation about the Institute.

    I guess that doesn't matter for people who know you, but for first time visitors like me, that might be a bit of a put-off.

    However, when compared against another educational institution to which one might aspire website while much simpler in its layout doesn't make much effort to introduce itself. Neither does Yale

    Worth looking at both those sites, though, for their simple and uncluttered look.

  • Posted bykelly.fitzgeraldon Author
    Thank you for your response. I just recently started working on this website, so I wanted to get some feedback to see where I need to start with the redesign. I agree. It is too busy and that's probably where I'll start with the redesign. Thanks again!
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    I need to understand almost immediately who you're serving, what services you offer, where you're located, and why I should continue reading through your website.
  • Posted bykelly.fitzgeraldon Author
    Thanks Jay. I'll keep this in mind when I planning the redesign.
  • Posted bymelissa con Accepted
    I agree with others in that it's rather cluttered and I'm not sure which way to direct my eyes. Perhaps try simplifying the design. Also, since your institute probably isn't well-known like a big university, add some credibility to the home page: awards the school has won, how long the school has been established (unless it's new!) or things like that.

    Good luck!
  • Posted bykelly.fitzgeraldon Author
    thanks! I really like the idea about making the awards visible.

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