
Topic: E-Marketing

Email To A List Of Individuals And Thanksgiving

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
Before I start off with a question first let me thank all those who have been helpful to me via this great resource (marketingprofs website).

The question is, I'd like to send out an email to express my thanks to those helpful people and update them on the new website/software release and without coming off as sales pitch. Facts: I have quite a lot of contact with some of them while for some others maybe just once or twice. Sending to each individual would take forever. How does the following msg via bcc sound to you?
Dear Friend,

You either have been helpful to me or communication between us has been meaningful in the past year, so, I'd like to drop a line to thank you for that. The good news is, my baby, Knowledge NoteBook, has a new home (home page, URL ...), kindly take a look at it during the holiday season and share your thoughts if you would indulge.


Best wishes,

Chunshen Li

What do you think? It's both sincere (truly from the bottom of my heart) and it may have some business value as well.

Thank you as always.

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  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Accepted
    Does come across as being a bit impersonal with the dear friend and the and/or about why they have been helpful. At the very least, you should send 2 mailings - 1 to the "helpful to me" and 1 to the "meaningful communication" people (then change the wording so it is only 1 or the other).

    Better yet would be to find software that would personalize the message with the person's name. Kind of like mail merge option in Microsoft Word, but for email. I don't know of specific programs that do it, but I am sure they are there.
  • Posted on Author
    You have a point. In the meantime, for those who truly has been quite helpful to me I either have already individually thanked them or intend to. Ahe, tough call, bad time (at this moment) to think, but more to acknowledge your thought... thanks.
  • Posted bymichaelon Accepted

    Never try to say it's not a sales pitch when it really is. You can't make it appear otherwise and you seem insincere.

    Just send out a thank you. Perion. Put your new link at the bottom of your signature line and let it go.

  • Posted on Author
    I like it, thank you.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you, Randall, both you and Michael are exactly right. One tiny thing stands in the way at the moment, the new website has one minor issue, that is, all the other pages other than Home Page, should use HOME instead of FEATURES, it causes confusion in my view, probably the designer would only be able to fix it some time tonight. Should I just send out email now or wait?

    Much obliged,

    The new website:
  • Posted on Author
    One thing (greedy me!), timing, would it be better off sending it out tonight or some time tomorrow afternoon (morning won't be available).

    Subject: Thank YOU

    Thank you.



    Many thanks.
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    Dear donli,

    If you're going to send an e-mail to thank people, just send
    an e-mail that thanks people.

    Business communication based on anything but sincerity from the sender and value for the recipient sounds like a BS sales pitch.

    If you have the first names of the people on your list, use them in a mail merge.

    And the either/or tone of your proposed message disjoints your intent. Were I receiving your either/or message you'd swiftly find yourself deleted and blocked.

    So how about something along the following lines?


    Dear [first name],

    You're awesome! I really mean that. Over the course of the last year you've been astonishingly supportive and I just want you to know how much I appreciate your faith in me. Thank you. I hope you and those you love have a simply stellar Thanksgiving.

    Best wishes,

    Chunshen Li

    ########## END DRAFT ##########

    If you're presenting an offer, present and offer. Be up front about it. But please, consider avoiding a sales pitch in a message that sounds like a sales pitch.

    Just my two cents' worth. I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA

  • Posted on Author
    Thank you for your thoughts, Gary, mail merge would be quite cumbersome, I foresee limited value of this particular email list activity... will go with a simple "Thank you" as recommended".


    Chunshen Li
  • Posted byflangeron Accepted
    nice letter Li,

    I'd advise you to use some good software for bulk mailing.

    It could be web-based service likewww.unisender.comor stand-alone app like Atomic Email Studio -

    Hope this helps

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