
Topic: Student Questions

Exclusive Distribution

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
What is exclusive distribution and will you recommend exclusive distribution for FMCGs?
Give two examples of products being exclusively distributed in the market along with the reason for selected examples.
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  • Posted on Author
    Thanks a lot and please answer my question as soon as possible.
  • Posted bywnelsonon Member
    You are mistaken on the purpose of this forum. It's not toplease answer your homework problems.If you just want the answers to your homework problems, call your buddies in class that actually read the text and work to complete their homework and copy their answers. By coming here and asking the tens of thousands of marketing professionals to provide you the answers, that's exactly what you're doing - copying down someone else's answers and claiming them as your own. I believe that would be an ethics violation at your university. Did you know that professors monitor this forum so they can catch students like you in an ethics violation? Best case, you don't get caught - all you do is fail to learn! Or your professor catches you and fails you on this problem, this assignment, or worst case, expels you. I don't think you want to that. Please see the important guidelines for this forum:


    In particular, please see #5:Experts are happy to help students explore their thoughts, but they will not do their assignments for them. If you are a student, be sure to share your own ideas along with your question.

    你失去了这个论坛,你wasting one of the most valuable resources in your career! The way to use this forum is for you to provide your answer and invite us to discuss it with you. In this way, you'll learn by actually doing work yourself and then again when you have a thoughtful discussion with experienced professionals. If you reference the discussion in your answer, you can even benefit for showing the initiative to "take it one step further" and show your professor you actually care to learn versus just get through the course by doing the minimum effort.

    If you would care to provide your analysis here first and give us your opinion, we'd be glad to join you in a meaningful discussion. Your move.

  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    Dear ghuman399,

    Not a smart move that. I've never met Wayde but I know enough about him to know he's someone you want to tick off.

    Your question? It's not a question, is it? This is your HOMEWORK and we do NOT DO HOMEWORK!

    You can stack up as many points as you like but it won't make ANY DIFFERENCE.

    Help yourself. Do some of your own work! Take some responsibility! Get off your backside and make yourself useful.

    Harsh? You bet your boots it is and although you won't like any of this opinion, know this: were you one of my students, you'd be in deep, deep do-do right now.

    Your points? Useless. Carrie (bless her cotton socks), Carrie will refund them and tell you the same thing.

    By expecting people to do your homework for you you're not only wasting YOUR time and effort, you're also wasting my time, which, although no one asks me to answer questions on this forum, is, I can assure you, a mistake.

    And if you think your tutors and professors don't read this forum, you're wrong.

    To echo Wayde: your move.

    Gary Bloomer

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