
Topic: Advertising/PR

1-800-mrblacktop One Campaign Or 2?

Posted by Anonymous on 1025 Points
I have a small marketing budget I'm trying to decide if should I use my whole budget on promoting this number and matching should I keep promoting Everblak and break up my campaign to focus on my niche services which are pothole repair and driveway repair. We are the best in this field. We use specialized equipment that most other contractors do not have. and a very low minimum. "Hot asphalt repairs start at $249" we have little or no competition, a very high closure rate, and this generally leads into other work. I have several domain names that point to the same address (list below) but nit sure what the best would be to promote

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  • Posted bythecynicalmarketeron Member
    It is very seldom advantageous to split up marketing campaigns and try to create multiple brands. There are a few exceptions as I'll describe below.

    If the other niche services you describe are not asphalt related then you should make the split. You would be at a disadvantage in competing for new business for concrete repair and paving with the names Blacktop, pothole, asphalt, etc., etc.

    Also, if you had tons of extra budget (which I know you don't) and wanted to target different buyer personas it could be justified; e.g. one campaign and name targeting upscale clients and a separate one for budget-conscious buyers.

    There is a real downside to multiple business names beyond just the diluting effect it will have on your messaging and brand building efforts. Some people will worry that you are doing something shady, or hiding from some past indiscretion or customer problems, just as they would if you had changed your personal name multiple times.

    Bottom line, stick with what you have and concentrate your efforts to have a stronger and more lasting impact.

    Best of Luck, John
  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Member
    If there is value to the old name (e.g. if people know the name Everblak), which the new name would not have, it may make sense to split the budget. You want to keep these sales going while promoting the new business.

    Of course, it is possible to bring them all together (if they are the same business) by doing the marketing push under the new name, but also saying that it is a new name (and referring to the old name).
  • Posted bytimo kruskopfon Accepted
    You are in a problem-removal business and your core competence is "Hot asphalt repairs start at $249". Your question refers to awareness issue; if prospects know what you do and know where to call you get a deal. Core message and phone number is only thing you have to keep drumming.
    Create personality around 1.800.Mr.BLACKTOP. Either a real face or a cartoon figure who talks to customers, answers phone calls, speaks in radio commercials etc. Make it charismatic and easy to remember. Create a catchy story behind. When you have enough basic awareness Mr. Blacktop can start to tell other things he can do for people in trouble. People in trouble could be the core of your campaign; there is a people in trouble and Mr. Blacktop comes with thunder to solve it.
    Make vehicles distinctive; free advertising when they are on move. Small flag posts, distinctive colouring, Mr. Blacktop figure like the Michelin man.
    Make Mr.Blacktop 10 tips to keep asphalt in condition leaflets (sticker) as a giveaway each time you have finalised a work and give the invoice. There you can advertise also other services.
    Go an mark potholes in public places with your stickers saying "I'd fix also this for only $249". Signed by Mr.Blacktop.

    Keep it simple and keep simple active
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    You can use a rotating message as part of your radio (or print) advertising. For example:

    * Got Potholes? Call 1-800-MrBlackTop
    * Driveway an eyesore? Call 1-800-MrBlackTop
    * Need a new driveway? Call 1-800-MrBlackTop
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    Dear Joe,

    How are things NY state? No doubt the snow and plow damage to roads and driveways around your area will keep you busy for months to come.

    If you've been known as Everblak for a while, you have lots of brand equity built in to your business that your competitors (what few there are) lack.

    So stick with one message and one name with numerous sub messages. As Jay points out above, your service is such that you can fix numerous problems and people will be looking to fix specific problems within your niche.

    This means pot hole repair, speed ramp renewal, driveway finishing and so on all connected to your main
    www.1-800-mrblacktop.comdomain name (with the dashes as suggested by Phil: it's clearer and less confusing visually.

    如上建议你可以使用小的类型promotional material to clarify that the 1-800 mr blacktop name is part of Everblak Paving LLC.

    Most of your customers will not care about the name, they care about fixing the problem and if you can, as you say, offer "Hot asphalt repairs from $249", you have a major benefit and an action point ready made, onto which you can build other elements:

    "Got a pothole? Hot asphalt repairs start at $249 with 1-800-MrBlacktop"

    "Driveway looking shabby? Hot asphalt repairs start at $249 with 1-800-MrBlacktop"

    “斜坡速度太快?热一个sphalt repairs start at $249 with 1-800-MrBlacktop"

    And so on. The point here is to identify the pain, offer a solution, and include an action point.

    One UNIFYING MESSAGE with sub messages will help drive attention to the benefits you offer. Add this to your current high close rate and great after service and keep on showing up on time and doing great work and you should be fine.

    I hope this helps Joe, really I do. Good luck to you.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
  • Posted bymichaelon Member
    I love the use of mirror sites. Always have. Very inexpensive.

    I would focus on the 800mrblacktop. It's easy to remember.

  • Posted on Author
    Hey guys thanks for all the great advise so far.

    I feel much more confident promoting this number (1800mrblacktop) after getting everyones input.
    as for the website I'm thinking to promote the the matching website as well (1-800-MrBlacktop). Now I wonder how I'm going to get it to become more searchable on Google. Right now mywww.wefixdriveways.comcomes up on the first page of most pavement related searches in my area. should I invest in seo and or adwords for 1-800-MrBlacktop? Well I guess the answer is of course right? well its just hard to think that all the work I put into would be wasted. but if you guys really think the 1-800-MrBlacktop could be something much better in the long run. then I guess its worth it.

    Something else, if I do this, focus on MrBlacktop. Am I losing out by not focusing on potholes? which is truly my specialty and definitely separates me from the rest of the general paving contractors. where as MrBlaktop groups me with them?

    not sure if I can ask a question in the same post, should I post this as a new question?

    I love Timos idea of a character like the Michelin man

    Thanks again I truly value everyones opinion, And am truly grateful for everyone who took a moment to share there insight.

    Thanks again

  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    If you design a test program (using AdWords, for example) that will let you measure the effectiveness of the various names and messages, it won't take you very long (or cost very much) to find out what works best.

    您可以设置一系列的登陆页面和关键each one to a different name/benefit. Then conduct simple A/B tests to see which combinations work best for you.

    In a matter of days/weeks, you'll have your answer. And, with any luck at all, you'll close enough sales from the test plan to make money while you're at it!
  • Posted on Accepted
    I suggest that you should go with your old name or put any new brand under this name.

    1. You have very less competition as you said it means people aware about your company or business (here brand awareness matters a lot) so promotional cost will get reduce.

    2. If you use same name then you just have to select mass communication medium to promote so people may easily relate with the image which they have in there mind of your company and it creats more awareness

    This things you can only apply when you are sure that your costomers may get satisfaction from your service other wise this strategy will fail.

    In that case go for new name and creat competiton in this two names which also helpful for your company.
    like HUL brands
    Thank you..
  • Posted on Author
    Thank for all your input!

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