
Topic: Taglines/Names

Still Need Advice On Names My Sm Business Firm

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Still haven't decided on a name yet. Really wanting to use my initials and "CONCEPTS" with it.

CSD Business Consulting
CSD Business Concepts
CSD Concepts

Tag lines:
"Helping you build a Better Business"

Offering marketing, PR, and complete image consulting for your business.

"Branding a better business"

Other name ideas: The Marketplace Exchange; "Ultimate Marketing Consultants";

任何其他想法? ?非常感谢!
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  • Posted bymktgcbbon Accepted
    It seems like you are offering marketing services not a complete line of business services so maybe you want to use marketing or communications in your title. Just my opinion but I prefer the word solutions to concepts. People always have their own ideas and everyone thinks they can do marketing. But many people don't really understand the science behind marketing. Your name should imply that you deliver results.

    marketing exchange sounds like a forum

    Good luck
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    (Business) People don't buy concepts - they buy results & solutions.

    Who will you be targeting (specifically)?
    Where are they located?
    What would make them want to hire you (instead of your competition)?
    Why should they trust you?

    You want you name to fit both your offering and your target's needs...
  • Posted byjsurveyaon Member
    Because the Message Matters Most
    The Marketing Authority
    Bright Ideas, Brilliant Solutions

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