
Topic: Taglines/Names

Acquire+ Luxury=aquiluxe? Looking For A Biz Name!

Posted bytoddsbrownon 500 Points
I am so stuck, I'm looking for a "business name" and Im already done my Biz plan and dont have a name! My business is a high end-luxury-branded company that simply purchases ones fine jewelry, not a retail store, but an upscale appointment only "buying office."

Here are some names I'm thinking of and some of your colleagues have suggested a few months ago:

Acquire-era....Acquera, Acquiera,
Paragon Suite
Gemfields (diamond fields in south africa)
Orange Facet

Any thoughts? Can I offer the a cash incentive to the expert who finally helps me select a name?

Thanks for your efforts,
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  • Posted byNovaHammeron Accepted
    By Appointment Only

    Private Salon

    Heirlooms Acquired Daily

    Trying to refine The Pawn Shop idea ..

  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Afflux (Buyers)
    Conflux (Jewelry) Buyers
    Jewelux Buyers
  • Posted bytoddsbrownon Author
    David R博士(sc), Phil Grisolia, & Jay Hamilton-Roth

    Excellent comments, You all seem to like "Aquilux", (meaning the short for Acquire and Luxury.) Can you help me brainstorm with any new names? I really appreciate your comments as you were all right on target. (Perhaps Aquigroup or acquisource?) I just dont know if Im feeling the Acqui at all, it still very "water" related-sounding?

    And to answer your question Mr. Grisolia, yes wealthy and middle class clients will allow me to buy their jewelery. I will then later liquidate my purchases for a profit.

    "Cornerstone" was a thought, but that's already an advertising agency in NYC and Baltimore.

    If any of you have any FRESH AND NEW names, I'm ALL ears, and again, thanks for your time and continued efforts.

  • Posted bytoddsbrownon Author

    Thanks for taking the time to help, I really was intrigued by your post, and while the body of your message is right on point, and has much value and meaning to me, I believe the suggested names you suggested are for a "retail type of jewelry business.

    My business will be one of buying jewelry from the public, not selling, a sort of "Reverse Retail" if you will. I would really like to see if you have any other names.

    Again, thanks for the great insight, I look forward to hearing back form you.

  • Posted by史蒂夫•摩尔on Accepted
    Setting naming your business aside for a moment, maybe take this into consideration. You mentioned that you have branded your business, but that can't be possible because you don't have a name for your business yet. That being the case, without having branded your business, any name other than one than makes it explicit as to what you do will probably not work.

    My suggestion is to make your business name a direct indicator of what you do and create a tagline that clearly states your positioning. Unless you have a huge marketing budget and can brand your business the way it deserves to be, in addition to having the ability to delay launching until you have achieved brand recognition in your target market, you have no other choice.

    I mean no disrespect, but that seems to me to be the reality.

    Let me know what you think.

  • Posted bytoddsbrownon Author
    Mr. Moore,
    Yes, obviously the branding will follow after I can place a name to my business. Any ideas for some good names?

  • Posted bytoddsbrownon Author

    I really appreciate all your efforts. Some of the words you choose I have already saved on a potential name list, so we are on the same page! (Luxe, the jewelry room, and sparkle.) After reading your post, I really like the tag line you came up with, "The new home for your fine jewelry." Job well done!

    Again much appreciated.

  • Posted byNovaHammeron Accepted
    MajorDomo is also a well known term for financial caretaker within a wealthy househould...could you make that work in some capacity?
  • Posted bytoddsbrownon Author
    What about???

  • Posted bytoddsbrownon Author
    David R,
    Thanks for reaching back out.

    To answer your question, my clients are not coming to me to buy jewelry, just the opposite. My clients are coming to me by appointment to sell me their personal estate jewelry, sort of "reverse retail" in a sense.

    I hope this answer helps.

  • Posted bytoddsbrownon Author

    给你的珠宝皇家混乱关系atment is a winner, excellent tag line, I feel like I'm almost there. That was a home run!!!!


    now I just need to secure that name.....
  • Posted bytoddsbrownon Author
    David R.

    Thanks again for reaching back out, I am certainly going to be open to do business with all types of people, clients etc. Although my target audience will be high end to a middle class client.

    I'm really looking for something more sophisticated in a name.

    What about:


    Looking for ways to get green?
    Giving above and beyond
    On the money
    An eye toward...buying, perfection, ....estates

    Thanks for your continued correspondence.

  • Posted bytoddsbrownon Author
    Any more input out there with a business name from the community?
  • Posted byNovaHammeron Member
    So is this what some of us would call a Pawn Shop?

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