
Topic: Website Critique

2 Url's

Posted byThatbeit1on 250 Points
I have a website that is geared to a service for a problem. I am adding a subsection geared toward prevention of the problem. The PR that will be generated by this subsection is fabulous. There is nothing remotely like the content in the prevention section on the web or elsewhere.

I am also going to sell a few products on the prevention subsection. Marketing of the products will be exclusively in print medium. I want the customer to be able type in a simple URL that will automatically take them to the inside page about that product. (301 redirect)

For marketing purposes I would like to use a different url in my direct marketing campaign example: main websitewww.excel-specialist.comand other The other url I intend on having as a 301 redirect will directly be targeted to direct marketing campaign geared toward the product.

The SEO on my current url is doing great. I am on page one of most of the target terms. Note my main website is just a store front. This service is never purchased on line only call in. Having the redirect will allow me to sell my services and the product very effectively.

I am not interested in achieving any SEO regarding the page they will be redirected to. What are the good the bad and the ugly regarding this approach.
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  • Posted on 成员
    Hard to comment on this arrangement without knowing the mindset for this approach...

    What are you trying to accomplish ?

    Are you trying to distance yourself between the service and the solution ?
  • Posted byThatbeit1on Author
    I need a short and easy url for it will be typed in not searched. The product I am selling I do not intend on selling via web traffic only through traffic that comes to my site for my other service or direct selling.

    The nitch market I am in I would be lucky if the keywords would be searched for more than once or twice a month. Have already done testing via Adwords to confirm this. Much more to gain by having an easy url to type in rather even bothering with SEO.

    My main concern is that such a practice would in any way effect my SEO or any other browsers view of my site.

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