

Let Me Know What You Think About My Site

Posted bySteve Mooreon 500 Points
I have been working on building up the content on my website for some time. I am now ready to launch it and begin to promote it. As a marketer myself, my strengths are in strategy, concepts, and tactics. My technical skills as far as design are limited as of yet, and I am working on building those up. My ultimate goal is to be a one-stop shop for my clients, and of course web design is a huge part of that.

I am confident with the copy but I really want to hear what people have to say about the design. Does it look professional? Please take a look and let me know.

I would also like to hear about what everyone thinks about the content and copy.

My site is

谢谢你哟ur help.


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  • Posted on Accepted
    As soon as I landed on the page I thought,"That looks like a Wordpress blog". And it IS a Wordpress blog. Personally, in this market I would call a spade a spade. I would refer to your site as a blog. Otherwise I'd change the format to make it look not like a blog.

    Blogs are not bad. I have a blog but I refer to it as a blog so that people do not expect to go there and find a lot of information about what I do as an independent Marketing Consultant or get case studies etc. What they get, are my (random) thoughts on the digital world.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    You need another page on your website, which will be your new home page (switching from your Blog(Home) page). Your new home page needs to quickly identify: what key benefit you offer, for whom, and how you're different from the rest. The rest of your website can describe what menu of services you offer, testimonials, etc. The nearest page you have to this is your "What's Marketing?" page, but this page seems redundant - if they don't know what marketing is, they probably aren't your customer.
  • Posted bySRyan ;]on Accepted
    Steve, I totally agree with Jay. My own website is under construction with Wordpress ( and I'm going to have ONE post that's always on the main page, which I'm calling "Home." I'll probably change that post fairly frequently.

    Like you, all of the other content I'm writing is going to fall into different categories, which I plan to post in different pages/chunks. Does that make sense?

    For now, you could strip out "My Mission" from your About page and put that on Home. Drop that last sentence from the paragraph, though! It's MUCH more powerful without it.

    Overall I think your site has a clean, polished, professional look to it. What theme are you using? Just curious.

    Last two bits of advice:

    - Get a professional photo of yourself.
    - Rethink your tagline.

    With a catchy name like Vice Grip Marketing, you need a tagline that supports it. Like, "Get a Handle on Your Customers." Okay, that one kinda sucks, but I think you know where I'm trying to go.

    Good luck, and shoot me an email so I can see your updated site later!

  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Accepted
    I use Firefox, and had one minor issue:

    The "Grassroots/Customer-Centered Marketing" was partially written over the headings "What’s Marketing?", "Blog (Home)", etc.

    Overall, not a bad look and feel.

  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    Copy is good overall. Blog format isn't terrible, but doesn't really look like a serious website homepage. It looks like a blog masquerading as a website. Better if you can keep the blog and the website separate.

    And the picture of you should be more professional. You don't need a suit and tie, but it should look like you are a business professional.

    One other thing: I find the dark gray/light gray header format very drab and uninviting. Looks like you really didn't consider the visual appeal of the site. It could use some visual interest, some color, and perhaps a professionally designed logo, or at least a distinctive type font.

    Overall a good start. And some good copy for the most part. (I do agree with Shelley's comment about losing the last sentence of your mission statement. It detracts from the impact of the previous sentence.)
  • Posted bySteve Mooreon Author
    Thanks everyone,

    Most comments are in line with what I was expecting.


    My thoughts on having the "What's Marketing" page was in hopes of trying to get on the same page as prospective clients as quickly as possible. It seems that so many small business owners either think marketing is sales or advertising, and that's it. And like I mentioned on that page, without the same working definition of what marketing is and all that it is supposed to accomplish it will be hard to have a productive business relationship.

    I wanted a prospective client to read it and say either "Yep, that's what I think marketing is too." or "I had no idea marketing was so involved." or "He doesn't know what he is talking about." Either of those three responses will let myself and the client know if we should work together.

    I am certainly not saying that I am right, I just wanted to let you know what my thoughts were.

    I just had a few minutes so I will respond to everyone else later. Thanks for everyone's time.

  • Posted bySteve Mooreon Author
    Sorry I haven't closed this question out yet. Thanks everyone for responding and giving me your honest opinions. Like I mentioned, it was right on point with what I expected and has motivated me to focus just on my blog until I can build a full-blown, advanced website for my self. Then of course I can also offer that to my clients.


    I use Firefox as well, and have had people who use Firefox look at my site and no one has mentioned that yet. Not sure what happened there. I had someone tell me that they use Safari and had issues as well. Then when I had someone else look at it with Safari they said everything was fine. Weird.


    The theme I was using is called "Charcoal 1.3" by Ali B.


    Everything you said was immensely helpful. It gave me a ton to think about. It obviously took you some time to write that. It solidified that I need to catch up my concrete skills with my theoretical. Thanks.

    Best wishes to everyone


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