
Topic: E-Marketing

Best Marketing Strategies?

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
For small/medium software companies, what are the best marketing strategies?

[URL=]TimeAttendance, Payroll, HR Software[/URL]
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  • Posted bymichaelon Accepted
    Depends on your target market. Are you a software company or are your prospects software companies?

  • Posted byHans De Keulenaeron Accepted
    You have quite a specialised product. Online marketing will only take you so far to get some qualified leads. My impression is that you'll need a face-to-face sales effort, possible with an own sales force in a main country to allow growth and complemented with agents in selected other countries.

    Webinars, white papers, e-mail marketing will all be limited because your product needs to be embedded into your customer's organisations.
  • Posted bytelemoxieon Accepted
    be sure to consider business development activities, such as recruiting channel partners, partnering with both complementary firms and noncompetitive software firms, and so forth.

    不幸的是,你有很多的竞争,everybody has some sort of a solution in place already. It is certainly possible to identify and to exploit a particular niche for your software, but it takes quite a bit of research and work (e.g. SWOT analysis) to determine your most advantageous target vertical markets. That sort of hard detailed work is more than we can do on this sort of forum...

    ... But that is the kind of work that many forum members do for a fee. If you have the available resources, you might consider our "post a project” link to the right.

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