
Topic: Advertising/PR


Posted by Anonymous on 25分
I have posted the last few weeks about my career and my "life". I have received alot of feedback I will take to heart. My worlds done a complete flip in the last two years the two things that s stayed the same is my three children and this cosmetology liscences I ve got hanging at my station. Some of you said move, some of you said lose the boyfriend , but most was rebuilding business skills that I needed to hear. Y=This is what I plan to do...*****Drop college classes next week , I was grasping (looking for a career where I don t have to put on a happy face) But I dont have time for a new career change... sooo I will throw myself into my business and my work . Try and hold my head up even when it s hard to do and reinvent my self. Approaching people I do not know and handing them a card comtinue networking online take every advantage of a social event and maybe even sell some Mary Kay to subsicidize income and it still be all about beauty. I will wake up everyday and know I will do everything in my power to overcome all the knock downs and show the people who used me as a mat that I AM SUCCESSFUL. I will rise above the rumors and drop the drama! Thanks to all you guys from the bottom of my heart. I am so glad I stumbled across this site. I was looking for help and I found some. Thanks again
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  • Posted byGail@PUBLISIDEon Accepted
    You have a lot of hard work ahead of you, much of it personal soul-searching. Best of luck to you as you work to thrive once again.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you ...I appreciate the advice I felt like I had no where to turn. I feel alone and it s very scary. Someone said I was insecure . They are right I have no family support , my church was my ex s church, I was asked to leave my old salon I m starting over in so many ways and It s more than I can handle. I m trying to gey my head right and do what I have to do for me and my kids. In this business though it s hard , and I do not wanna fail at it. I wanna be a strong woman. That is independent and successful. There was the suggestion of moving that s extreme an I have 3 kids. In the past week I ve taken everyone s advice ...I always have drama so my customers will ask me what s going on, and i say everything is good and change the convo to them. I am going to put a ad in the paper and am now doing a pedicure special I am registered to take a haircolor class monday so i m letting everyone know that via facebook , am I on the right track??I hope you say yes. I look at fall as a staring over period for me, noones gonna bring me down .
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    I counted more than 27 appearances of I, me and my in your most recent post. With all due respect, I don't think you are on the right track yet. How about a post that's all about your customers and what THEY need and how THEY are going to benefit from your services?

    The folks here are trying to help you, but you are still wallowing in your own life and your own problems. That's not the way to climb out of your self-defined hole.

    Isn't there somewhere you can find a counselor in your area who can help you?
  • Posted on Author
    Again Thanks. I guess I should have not used so many
    I 's . I was only expressing the things I was gonna do to improve my business. Which will in turn reflect on a great experience for my customers. If I sounded selfish I'm not. I've been nothing but selfless my whole life everything I do is for someone else.

  • Posted on Author
    Thank You Karen
  • Posted bymarketbaseon Accepted
    For what it is worth, I'm with Karen on this one. YOU are worth fighting for and YOUR KIDS deserve a strong, good parental role model. Sometimes life stinks and that's a reality that bites lots of people. As you get updates from your customers, you can determine (inside your head) whether their trials/realities are bigger, worse or dumber than yours. What do you think every therapist out there is doing while paying clients rant on and on? You have chosen an industry what is sort of like a therapist, so don't be afraid to start conducting yourself like they do. Soon, you'll be getting rave reviews and increasing your business. People love to talk about themselves...turn the key and let 'em go!

    Prayers with you,
  • Posted on Author
    I attended a hair color class today 8 hours.... excitied about all the new things I ve learned!
  • Posted on Author
    你怎么reinvent yourself?? In your professional life and personal?

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