
Topic: Branding

Branding For Creative Products

Posted by Anonymous on 20 Points
I'm a creative designer with 8 yrs product design experience.
Recently, I'm going to design a range of candle and sell them.
My plan is following:
1. Design a new brand and brand image for my candle products
3. Will use e- mail marketing to promote

Have anyone can give suggestion for my planning and tell me how I can use Internet to promote my brand


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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Start by identifying people likely to be interested in your candles online. Since no one will know who you are, you have to go find them. That may involve selling your candles in other's stores, Etsy, through social media (Facebook, etc.). And before you start selling them, test market them with people in your community. What do they like/hate? Ensure that people who can see & smell your candles like it, get testimonials from them, and determine what will make your candles better/different from all the other candles for sale.
  • Posted bycookmarketing@gmail.on Accepted
    As you do your market research - what will your consumer pay for your candles (a rather crowded market)...back out that price to what you own them at, double your own it price and then 50% more to that...profit?
    You will find two points: unless they have incredibly unique selling point, retail pricing is critical. Testimonials will only go so far, consumer need touch/feel and smell.
    If you need a model to follow, Burt's Bees
  • Posted on Accepted
    Gone are the days when 'if you build it they will come'.

    Be as distinctive as possible.
    Once you've identified a target audience, brand your company/product with a name that is both radical and relevant to the product. (Even if people laugh or cry at your name, just make sure it's one they don't instantly forget. Online, naming is critical as keystrokes are the source of all traffic to your site).

    (Disclosure, I'm also behind the courses that help with naming and customer profiling at

    Good luck!
  • Posted byStarsDieon Accepted
    In addition to the great responses above, be sure to make a perfect visual presentation of your products. If people can't touch the product - make them "feel" it online. Make your website a nice place to visit – it should be easy-to-use, informative and attractive:

    - Provide qualitative pictures that can zoom and show a customer all details such as patterns, shades, texture etc. Use white or other light background without unnecessary elements in order to make emphasis on the products. If possible, make a few ambient pictures.

    - Make a good product description. Indicate quantity in set, sizes. Define color, scent, materials used for decoration. Make references to style. Speak of an atmosphere the particular candle can provide. Use stylistic means to appeal to customers' emotions, feelings.

    - Divide products into groups (if any) such as different occasions, styles, price level etc.

    - Once in a while make a discount for this or that item, or any other promo, and make this info visible on the home page.

    - Since you design these products yourself - promote your name, make a modest but decent profile with reference to your background, experience, artistic taste; put a small but nice picture of yourself.

    Good luck!
  • Posted byiFocuson Accepted
    Sorry for being a little bit down-to-earth, but Yahoo/Google candle(s) and you'll see that this search will return about 50 million results, so the promotion of your site will play a critical part in the success (or not) of your business.

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