
Topic: Advertising/PR

Product Placement The Best New Front To Advertise?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
What are your thoughts ob prodct placement as the best way to avoid TV surfing? We have found that we are getting more and more companies small and very large looking for product placement in conjunction with a standard marketing plan. I want some feedback from other professionals on thier thoughts. We are currenlty working with several smaller type products as well as several more high end products. We speacialize in this arena and are looking for some more
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  • Posted byGail@PUBLISIDEon Accepted
    One of the most effective means of product placement I've seen recently is incorporating it into the open or intro of a show. Do a skit that includes the product.
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    I'm afraid I'm confused too. Maybe you can rephrase your question and/or explain what you want from us.

    Separate issue: I followed the link to your website and got frustrated by having to wait for the Flash intro and navigation, so I left ... also annoyed with the music that wouldn't go away. If I'm typical of your target audience, maybe you want to reconsider the way your site greets new visitors. (I'd lose the Flash and the music, if it were up to me. What's the objective?)
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member

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