
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name Needed For Benefit Concert In December

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
My friend has been in the hospital for 6 months now, and I'm throwing a benefit concert to try to help her family out with the hospital bills. There's no name for her condition, seeing how no one has ever seen anything like it. They're writing papers on it. She has 6 spleens, and numerous other duplicated organs. The majority of her organs are in the wrong spot, so she has been in and out of surgeries trying to correct it. I cannot think of a name for this concert though, we wanted to play on the word "benefit" somehow... like "Friends With Benefits", but more original, because that name was from a TV show.
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  • Posted byGail@PUBLISIDEon Accepted
    • FUNdraiser for a Friend

    • Melodies for My Friend

    • Notes for .... (you can add a fund-raising element that people pay a dollar to include a note on a webpage/site or display board at the event)

  • Posted byGail@PUBLISIDEon Member
    P.S. My best wishes to your friend and all of those who care about her.
  • Posted byCarolBlahaon Accepted
    "friends with benefits" is expressly inappropriate. That is a situation entirely different with this situation.

    They are writing papers on this? Instead I'd pursue those benefiting from your friends situation. I think she has multiple grant opps. I'm telling you, her doc's are.
  • Posted bytherightwebtoolson Accepted
    Friends From The Heart

  • Posted byStarsDieon Accepted
    Maybe something like this:

    - Sunbeam for a Friend
    - Get-Better Tunes

    or as simple as this:

    - Concert for[name]
    - Music for Benefit

    Agree with Carol and Phil about the doctors and medical history.

    Best wishes for your friend and those who love her and help her.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Curing Hospital Bills ForTheirName
    Extra Benefit$ ForTheirName
    The Cure ForTheirName's Surgery Bills
  • Posted bymarketbaseon Accepted
    Hearts of Love Rally for (Name)
    - A Community Comes Together


    Prayers for you, your friend and her family. Hopefully your community is a giving one and will extend itself. Perhaps you could start with the local municpal department of health to get a 'team' on board from which you could launch a core unit (i.e. dept. employee, EMS); this would help with publicity (TV, radio and newspapers) and could help get the interest from potential grant writers, too.

  • Posted on Accepted
    i can think of

    Gift a life

    or '

    Gift for the life....

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