
Topic: Strategy

Btl Activity For Baby & Mother Care Product

Posted bydineshzogta2005on 250 Points
Dear people i am here because i have a question about what kind of BTL activities we can conduct to promote a new baby & mother care product.

本产品是与小婴儿(gro时代up 1 month to 3 years) and to there mothers. these products are specifically developed & designed by keeping them in mind and it includes different kind of items (like shoes, cloths , play tools , mother pregnancy kit etc).

kindly guide me and provide me new ideas to conduct a successful BTL activity and what kind of places are suitable to conduct such activities like RWA, Clubs or Community centres.
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  • Posted on Member
    You cud have Healthy Baby competitions, Ms./ Master charming, baby with a cute dimple, baby that gurgles the best, birth mark/s that both parents unanimously agree with, involve grandparents, 'one liners' on what they want their child to grow up and be.
    如果你的商店location is strategic, the best location wud be the area in and around ur store.
    if thats not convenient, then strategic location inside shopping malls, or large sized apartments on weekends.
    will be glad to share any more info. necessary
  • Posted byStarsDieon Member
    I don't know if that's okay for your country.
    In my country, it is a widely used method.
    Companies that deal with products directed to newborns and nursing moms (health care products - baby oils and powders, diapers, lanolin cream for nipple cracks, breast pumps, as well as baby wear, pacifiers etc.) provide free samples with info leaflets or product brochures for every woman recently confined in maternity hospitals all around the country. That's about big companies.
    If you have a small firm (for instance, with a small local store) - then you can use this method only in the neighborhood.
  • Posted bydineshzogta2005on Author
    thank you very much people for your great cooperation and the effort & time investment you did in answering this question, but i would like to tell you all highly qualified & dignified people that i am looking for something more.

    I want to have some quite unique & new ideas regarding the same. It is my kind request that if you can provide me that i will be really great full to you all people, but now with these answers i am not totally satisfactory as i already new about these ideas and we are already working upon the same i want something new.

    kindly let me know if you have any, till then take care.

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