
Topic: Taglines/Names

Suggestions Required For Jewelry Brand Name

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Hi all
Just thinking of starting a silver jewelry business... The jewelry is high quality party / wedding wear being imported from India and Pakistan. Main selling areas are online or wedding shows. I would like some suggestions for the brand name ... It has to be cool and classy as I plan on developing it into a proper brand in future ... All your suggestions will be valuable and the person whose suggestion will be chosen will get a pair of very special silver earrings or bracelet.
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Silver Belles (play on Wedding Bells and beautiful women)
  • Posted on Author
    I agree with you Phil ... but what I meant was that I don't just want to carry on selling autonomously but want to work on establishing a brand name through selling good quality jewelery and providing after sales care ... all I want is a cool name to go with this :) ... hope you can help
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Wedded To Jewelry
  • Posted byStarsDieon Accepted


    It's a female name used in my country (Ukraine), but it is not widely spread so you won't find many brands carrying it. It means something like "morning star" or "star at dawn". It is loosely connected to something beautiful, delicate, silver, but it does not name it directly. It also sounds nice and unconventional.

    If you want something more definite (so that people knew for sure it is something silver related), you can call it something like Silver Dew, Silver Box, Silver Town, Silver Meadow or anything else Silver. But I'm sure all these names are already taken long ago.

    Good luck with your business.

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