
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For Company

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi everybody,

I planning to start my own company focused to provide accomodation to corporate clients. Please suggest names.

I also want to have a name for a booking engines like and laterooms.

Please suggest a global name that is catchy and attractive to global audience.
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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    We need a better definition of your primary target audience and the unique benefit you're going to offer them. Just saying you're going to provide some kind of "accomodation [sic] to corporate clients" isn't nearly enough to give us an indication of what you want to communicate, or to whom. ("Global audience" has billions of people in it.)

    Give us more information about what you're trying to communicate and we'll help you with some naming ideas. Remember, the name should communicate the BENEFIT your TARGET AUDIENCE will value most, not just what YOU would like to do.
  • Posted byiFocuson Accepted
    "I planning to start my own company focused to provide accomodation to corporate clients"....
    What is this accommodation that you will be providing?
    Are you thinking of operating a hotel? a serviced apartment?

    This is real 24/24, 7/7 business and your initial investment might be huge -in my opinion it will definitely be.

    Keep in mind that most likely in the first years your P&L will certainly (in my opinion definitely) show a loss.

    Have you done a business plan?
  • Posted on Accepted
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    为什么你的公司应该使用而不是嘘king themselves? Will you work free, or will the hotels pay you a commission? I still don't quite understand the business. How are you different from a traditional travel agent?
  • Posted byStarsDieon Accepted

    Tour Global

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