
Topic: Social Media

Am I Doing This Right?

Posted byclueyon 50 Points
I've had this FB fan page for ages but have only just started putting some regular time around it.
我读了很多东西关于观众参与etc (which I've tried to take on board) but before I go wholesale into any fanbase promo, I'd like some ideas about whether I've set the basics up right.
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  • Posted byanthonyton Accepted
    I'm by no means an expert, but it seems like I've been reading the same things you have. You are doing a great job posting interesting articles related to copy writing topics - which I'm sure is no easy task.

    I signed up for your page to see how it develops. I'm considering creating a page for my manufacturing company, but I'm having a hard time justifying the time and effort needed.

    你现在似乎正确的内容,你just need to increase your audience. I'd be in the same boat, so take my suggestions with a grain of salt.
    1. Do you have a newsletter? Try promoting the facebook page on there (I'm sure you've already did that though)
    2. Ask family and friends to spread your content. You never know who's you can reach through friends of friends.
  • Posted byclueyon Author
    Thanks for that feedback Anthony.
    I'll take those suggestions on board.

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