
Topic: Strategy

What To Replace Old Video Page With?

Posted byMario Ron 100 Points
We have a website section with old educational videos, all of which have become irrelevant so they need to come down at once.

Unfortunately, we won't have new videos to replace them with until several weeks later, so instead of having new visitors come to a blank page, I'm wondering what else we can show in this section of our site in the interim. Keeping these old clips until the new ones are ready won't be an option.

I'm considering a short video previewing future content, or a link to sign up for email when new content becomes available. Any other suggestions for copy, links, media we could add in the interim?
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Can you show them something visual that shows your future plans (it can be a slideshow, and not video)? Can you embed videos (from 3rd parties) that are generally relevant to them, but aren't showcasing your technology?
  • Posted byStarsDieon Accepted
    In addition to "new educational videos coming soon" message and a short video or slide-show announcing the future content (as offered), you can put on some short survey questioning the visitors to the site about the potential topics of interest for them - this will show that their ideas and needs are taken into account and will possibly give you some fresh ideas for the future work, or (if time permits) maybe even to change/add something for the upcoming new content.
    Also, some important information can be placed - something that attracts attention - announcing an event, a new book, interview with an interesting person - anything that is relevant to your subject area.
    Well, anything that demands some activity from the visitors is good.

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