
Topic: Customer Behavior

Empirical Research Methods For Consumer Behavior

Posted byStarsDieon 250 Points
Dear Experts,

I'm working on a thesis related to Consumer Behavior subject area. For the empirical part, I need to work with 200-300 respondents and apply several research methods such as surveys, tests, questionnaires, observation etc. I have to create some surveys/questionnaires of my own (which I can do based on the work), but I also need to employ some ready-made methods.
You would help me a lot if you kindly provide any useful information - templates, links to good Internet sources, list of the books to buy on the topic or any other advice. Sharing experiences (if any) would help, too.

Many thanks in advance for your feedback.

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  • Posted bymgoodmanon 主持人
    The methods you use should be driven by the objective of the research and the expected use of results. What you're asking is like asking, "What tools can I use other than a screwdriver?"

    The answer, of course, depends on what you're trying to do. Same for your research.
  • Posted byStarsDieon Author
    Thanks for pointing that out, Michael.

    What I exactly need is any sample survey, questionnaire template or anything else that help define psychological prerequisites for buyers' decision making process; study of the impact of motivation, lifestyle, personality on making a purchase. Well, any psychological methods to study the consumer behavior. Not just samples from some company (although that would be good, too), but - which is more important - some methods described in scientific literature.

    I have bought the encyclopedia of psychological tests and there is something in it that I can use, but I need more psychology-and-marketing oriented methods.

    Thank you once again.
  • Posted bymgoodmanon 主持人
    Maybe it's the terminology that's throwing me off. When you say "psychological prerequisites" what exactly do you mean? Can you give some examples? "Psychological methods to study consumer behavior" doesn't mean anything to a marketing person. What are those "psychological methods?"

    I understand psychology and I understand market research to assess and measure consumers' attitudes and behaviors, but I don't understand what you're looking for.

    As for samples and templates of questionnaires, each one is developed based on the specific objectives for, and expected use of results from, a specific research project, so it's not clear how having those could help you. And it's probably not reasonable to expect that a market research professional would share them with you, since that's what they provide for paying clients to achieve project objectives.
  • Posted byStarsDieon Author
    The thesis is in the field of Economic Psychology. Right, this is not Marketing in its pure form, but the mix of Economics and Psychology and several other allied sciences which provides deeper understanding of practically all Marketing processes and issues.

    I am working out the surveys, questionnaires and case studies of my own, but I also need to analyse several methods described in scientific literature.

    I'm looking for additional methods to carry out analysis of economic behavior and the process of buyer's decision making. Once again, something described in scientific literature. Not something that is commercial classified information for any company, but anything legal. Maybe a link to some good book in this field that I can purchase or something.

    Sorry if this is the wrong thing to ask.
  • Posted on Accepted
    If you have not done so already, than I would look at the world-class research universities: Harvard, Stanford, Cambridge, etc. Buried in their (usually huge) websites are listings of faculty in different departments -- and their research interests.

    Once you have found a couple of professors who are interested in an area similar to yours, do some homework on them. You´ll get much better answers if you are able to E-Mail them a more specific question. "I noticed your article on xxx. I am very interested in learning more about the research methodology you used for that because of my own thesis on yyy."


    James Hamilton
  • Posted byStarsDieon Author
    Thank you so much for the response, James,

    I did find a couple of great online resources published by professors of leading universities, and they provide direct contact info, so I was actually thinking to contact them, but wasn't sure that's a customary practice (I'm not their student, I thought)...

    With your advice, I will probably do so. And look for more universities, too.

    I'll wait a couple of days more before closing the question, just in case.

  • Posted byStarsDieon Author
    Was hoping to see more replies, but have to close the question now; found something from different sources. Thank you once again!

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