
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Tagline For Kids Art Studio

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am opening a kids art studio for kids 4-9 years old, called Art Bug Inc. It offers art and craft classes. Target audience will be parents of kids, and the kids themselves. I was thinking of the tagline with something about having time to themselves (kids have the time to do art & craft and parents have the hour or two for their personal time), but am open to anything else too. Any help in brainstorming appreciated! Thanks!

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  • Posted byStarsDieon Member

    Art Bug Inc.
    Guiding your time ship.

  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    It's Time For Kid Creativity!
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for the suggestions! Actually I AM selling personal time for parents, ultimately, but I get your point (PhilGrisolia4Results) that on the store front I am selling art lessons. So the tagline should be art-related. So, something to do with art, creativity, delight, fun, wonder, excitement, joy, exploration, .... Thanks so much for more brainstorming!
  • Posted bymichaelon Member
    Bug your kids, for a change.

  • Posted on Author
    @ HowToWriteBetter: You have some great ideas! I like the buzz words creativity, wild, carefree. I am thinking how to make the line jingle.. perhaps make it rhyme...

    @Michael:哈哈!不,我不想to tell parents to bug their kids!
  • Posted on Author
    This is what I have thought of: any suggestions/advice?

    A space to create.

    Turning doodles into oodles of fun.

    Art for little hands.

    Great art by little hands.

    Any critique is appreciated!
  • Posted on Member

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