
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Tagline For Pet Photography Business

Posted bysierradogson 500 Points
I'm launching a new pet photography business, called Sierra Luna Photography, and I need help with a tagline.

The name Sierra Luna is an homage to my dog boarding & training business, Sierra Dogs, and my own dog Luna -- both of which inspired me to move forward with my photography business.

I will be specializing in on location, natural light photography of beloved family pets (mostly dogs, but I don't want to limit myself since there is also a market here for cats, horses, etc.)

My target client is someone who loves their pet as a member of the family (and spends money accordingly), and would appreciate a natural portrait that captures their pet's unique personality. I won't be doing studio work, but will instead be taking photos in people's yards & homes, neighborhood parks, or other favorite outdoor locations. I feel that this allows the pet to *be themselves*.

I was inspired to get serious about my photography because I get to spend my day watching dogs play/live, and it's the most joyful thing I know. I want to share that joy. Additionally, I'm all-too-aware that our pets don't live as long as we do, and for me personally, I will treasure the many photos I have of my dogs, being themselves, since those will allow me to remember them with joy forever. I want to help other people have treasured photos of their own pets. (Obviously, I don't want to evoke mortality in my tagline, but that's an underlying motivation).

I need my tagline to convey that I specialize in photographing pets, and ideally it will also convey something about the "natural" aspect (lighting, setting, behavior), and about joy.

I'm drawing a blank; everything I come up with is cheezy. Please help! :-)
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    Capturing Your Pet's Essence
    Remember How Much You Love Your Pet
  • Posted byStarsDieon Member
    Sierra Luna Photography
    Every step of your pet

  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    I'm inclined to agree with Marcus's approach (and Jay's first suggestion) because your subject is so loaded with emotional triggers to begin with. People who love their pets will "fill in the blanks" as soon as you let them know what you do, and translate your deliverable into a personal benefit -- a way of demonstrating their affection for their pet.

    如果你太擅长表达的好处哟urself, you are likely to make that "special feeling" seem common -- everyone has that feeling -- and turn your audience off. Each person thinks his pet, and his feelings for his pet, are somehow unique. So all you have to do is tell them you're going to capture their pet's uniqueness in an image. They'll "finish the story" for you.

    I'm usually very insistent that clients be explicit about the benefit -- or the end-benefit -- in their taglines, but this is one case where I think you're better off just setting the stage ... and letting your target audience interpret the message in the way that means most to them.
  • Posted bysierradogson Author
    Marcus, I actually really like your suggestion. I'm playing around with how to incorporate it, and whether it's awkward to have the word photography twice, since the word Photography is actually built in to my business name and logo already. The concept is spot-on, though. It's simple, not cheezy, it lets people know what I do, and as mgoodman noted, it lets the potential client's own emotions amplify the meaning.

    I appreciate the other responses, too -- brainstorming is great, and helps undo my own creative block. :-)

  • Posted bysparnellon Member
    How about:

    Capture Your Pet's Personality in Photos
    Natural Pet Photography
    Pet Photography Comes to You
  • Posted bysparnellon Member
    One more thought: I would include Photography in your company's name or "doing business as" version so that it's obvious to your target market what you do, helps from an SEO standpoint, and your tagline can focus on your unique value proposition. For example:

    Sierra Luna Pet Photography
    Capture Your Pet's Unique Personality
  • Posted bysparnellon Member
    A few more thoughts:

    Sierra Luna Pet Photography
    Capturing Your Pet's Unique Personality at Home, Outside or in Studio

    You could also substitute "animal" for "pet" to broaden its appeal:

    Sierra Luna Animal Photography
    Capturing the Charisma of Furry Friends Wherever they Roam


    Sierra Luna Pet Photography [probably a bigger market for pets]
    Capturing the Charisma of Your Furry Friends Wherever they Roam

    Sierra Luna Pet Photography
    Capturing Animal Magnetism at Home or Wherever They Roam
  • Posted bysierradogson Author
    Thank you everyone for the responses and feedback -- you gave me some good ideas and things to think about.

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