
Topic: Taglines/Names

I Am Looking For A Clever Tagline For Real Estate

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am looking for a tag line. I am a new real estate agent in Northern California. I spent 15 years in as a social worker and am just starting a new career in real estate. My last name is Reyes but i can't seem to come up with anything that sounds good.
Thank You!
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Nadine - congrats on starting your new career. Don't try to initially come up with anything that "sounds good". Instead, focus on something that will attract the kind of clients you really want to work with. Who are they? First-time buyers? Retirees? Condos? Representing buyers or sellers? Commercial? You want a tagline that immediately clarifies who you're targeting, not simply something rhyming or cutesy.
  • Posted byGail@PUBLISIDEon Accepted
    Concentrate on making your brand a credible, productive and trustworthy one. Establishing a tagline immediately is not necessary if you concentrate on those first. The tagline, as Jay suggested, should emerge when you select or identify your niche.
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    The temptation for a new realtor is to try to serve everyone. After all, a commission is a commission, right?

    But that's the worst approach long-term. You're better off being the very best at a narrow niche. Figure out who the perfect client would be for you. Specialize in serving that perfect client.

    Once you've mastered that small niche, you can always branch out and expand your target audience.

    Of course, you don't have to turn down opportunities, but don't position yourself as being a generalist. You'll see that you're much better served being a true expert in a narrow market rather than a dilettante trying to chase everything.

    And don't feel compelled to come up with a tagline on Day One. If you know your niche it's OK to have a tagline, but if you don't there's no harm done waiting a few months. Most people don't select a realtor based on a tagline anyway. They pick the one best suited to meet their needs.
  • Posted bymichaelon Accepted
    Having purchased way too many houses I was thinking of how I've chosen an agent in the past. This is more of an issue when moving between rather than within a geographic area.

    "I sell a house every 3 days" is one of the worst I've seen but she does do it....not because of the tagline tho.

    Do you feel your time in social services sets you apart from other agents? Makes you more compassionate? More sensitive to the needs of the individual?

    Nadine Reyes: More than a sign in the yard.


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