
Topic: Career/Training

Work/life Balance In Account Planning?

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I have 2 potential offers for Account Planning positions within ad agencies. I am looking for a job that provides more opportunities for work/life balance and am unsure if this is possible in an ad agency. I have worked both in brand consulting firms, and on client side (FMCG, Retail) and really disliked consulting. But I disliked the posturing, partners who can't make up their mind, trying to prove our worth to clients...I just prefer doing good work that is helpful and needed. Will account planning be any different.

I may also have an opportunity as a Marketing Manager for a wine distribution company...but the position is more tactical and covers a small market (not national or global). I think the pay is relatively low too...

I want quality of life, but it seems that I would be choosing a less fulfilling career if I take the wine job...

Thoughts on work/life balance in account planning? What are the hours like usually? Is it really that strategic?
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  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    ... two potential offers or two solid offers? There's a difference. As for what you should do, that's up to you. If you're currently employed, although it might be less than you think you're worth, it is, at least, a job, which is more than many millions of people have at the moment.

    Will account planning be any different to your previous roles? Probably not. There are poseurs and undecideds everywhere. Get used to it.

    As for work/life balance? What do you want the non-work part of your life to be like? Figure out what makes you happy, then, focus your energy on that thing, whatever it is. Be the best you can be at whatever you take on. Invest in excellence, and steer clear of politics and side taking.
  • Posted bymvaedeon Member
    From the way you describe these two offers, I'd say neither. Gary is on to the right thing - figure out what makes you happy and focus on that, find the companies / work in that area and you'll naturally find the balance between life/work you're looking for
    Should you be unemployed, take either one of them, make the most of it (not necessarily money-wise) and keep figuring out what would make you happy.

    Mikael Vaede
    pursuing his Social Media Marketing joy
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for the responses so far. I guess my main question is: what are the hours like in account planning?

    I have a verbal offer from an agency and just completed the final round with the wine company. I have another final round with another agency this week -- so there is a high chance that i would take the agency role. I just want to know what lifestyle to expect...and there is a slight chance it might sway my decision since lifestyle is very important to me.


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