
Topic: Other

Marketing Plan

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
When writing a marketing plan for a B2B company that has offices in two different cities, would you write a different plan for each office, or just write one big plan?
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  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Member
    Usually together, unless they are marketing different products and/or have few similarities in the marketing programs (for example, you don't have national trade media which you advertise in that work for both offices).
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    It depends on whether this is two local businesses or one business with two offices. Is the product or service exactly the same in both places? Is the target audience the same? Is the competitive environment the same in both locations?

    There must have been a reason to have two offices, so that suggests there may be two different businesses or business environments. If the differences are meaningful, you might need two sections of the marketing plan -- one for each location.

    If, on the other hand, the second location is simply for operational convenience, then you can probably get by with a single, unified marketing plan.
  • Posted bymvaedeon Member
    If these two cities are in different countries or different territories i.e. not having the same customers, cultures or communication channels - definitely two marketing plans.

    If the two offices have same markets, same customers, same surrounding cultures, same communication channels, then just one plan - maybe scaling the activities depending on how much staff available to take on the different tactical tasks.

    If one office is creating the marketing plan and both executing, this should be taken in to account in the plan as well. B2B needs to relate to their local markets.

    B2B Marketing
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks Mikael. The business offers the same services but has offices in Minneapolis and Chicago. Each targets small businesses of 1-20 people for their services. Therefore, their markets are similar, but not exactly the same. Do you think this requires two marketing plans, or one big marketing plan that describes conditions in each city.
  • Posted bymvaedeon Accepted
    IMHO 1营销计划,好像这两个办事处the same. Could take in to consideration some local communication channels - yet addressed in the same manner, same message, same combination of online and off-line and so on....

    B2B Marketing

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