
Topic: Taglines/Names

Slogan Needed For Member's Only Restaurant

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points

I am working on a project that involves identifying a slogan for a country club of sorts that has a restaurant. A weekly ad runs advertising the restaurant specials, and people are having a hard time understanding that the specials are for members only.

Right now the slogan reads "Experience what 1,000 Members already Enjoy!" and has "For Membership Information Call" info on it.

I just need to have a few lines to present in a meeting:
something with the IDEA: "Become a member to reap the rewards, including these weekly specials:"

It can and should be catchy but it is very important that it clearly outlines that the deals are for members only (without sounding elitist).

Thank you so much for any ideas you can throw out!
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  • Posted bymvaedeon Accepted
    The pleasures of our Members only menu
    Hungry for more, join us
    Interested, join us

    Bite in to our members only menu.
    Become a member to enjoy these specials

    Members enjoy our weekly specials
    So could you! become a member, today.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    See What Our Members Are Enjoying
  • Posted bymichaelon Accepted
    But aren't you actually promoting elitism? That's a good thing. that's why people join clubs. Remember the "membership has its priviledge" ads?

    But when you say "experience" it's more of an offer.

    How's that weekly ad working for you? Maybe you're better off with "See the members only menu at:

  • Posted bypghpromoon Accepted
    Phil is correct: Your current verbiage suggests a try-before-you-buy offer, so it is likely that non-members are getting peeved when they arrive and learn this is not the case. Upfront clarity in your ad is a must!
    And if you think membership privileges are elitist and that elitism is bad, then how on earth do you do your job every day apologizing for membership benefits?
    -- Paul

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