
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need A Catchy Name For Internal Company Newsletter?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points

I have been tasked with creating our first internal company newsletter. Our company does electronic information exchange for the dental and medical industries. Can you help with a catchy name? We have a contest with our employees for suggestions, but I thought I would ask the professionals too.
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  • Posted bypghpromoon Member
    Please provide additional info:
    What is the purpose of your internal newsletter? What kind of content will be in it and what do you expect your employees to do in response to this content? What is production schedule going to be--monthly, quarterly?

    -- Paul
  • Posted bymichaelon Member
    I'm a firm believer that internal newsletters should be titled after something in the mission statement.

  • Posted on Author
    Thank you for your responses.
    The purpose of the newsletter is to build better internal communication and highlight employees for accomplishments and make general company announcements. Ideally I would like to produce this monthly.

    Our company enables patient medical records to be submitted electronically to support electronic claims. These records typically would have to be faxed or mailed. Our solution improves reimbursement, eliminates lost medical records and decreases costs.
  • Posted bymvaedeon Accepted
    问employees, your future readers is a good way to create initial awareness, and expectations.
    Secondly, you can spend some newsletter space on explaining the process you went through to find the name and thank everybody who participated - yet another way of getting the information flowing.

    We don't know your company name, nor if you want to relate the newsletter to your company name !?

    EDI是对企业有利,但boring for news, as it happens under the hood, so a name could be
    "In the wires" or
    "heard on the great wire"
    (as close as I can think of Grape Vine)
    "Our Tidbits" would be another.
    Once saw this one "ED Inside" and by default you should have an EDitor called EDward or EDwire

    Maybe your company name would allow to use some of these gimmicks as well.

    B2B Marketing

    "ED Inside"

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