
Topic: Taglines/Names

In Search Of A Clever Business Name

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points

I'm about to dive head first into an event planning side hustle (novel idea right) with the premise of "we don't just plan events, we create memorable experiences". I am currently a corporate Project Management professional with an impeccable eye for detail. And such, I want to invoke my expertise in building out the "perfect event workplan" for clients.

Think Event Planner General with the right/left brain working for me...I can negotiate contracts, I detail hour by hour day of planning, I mobilize resources, but I have a creative sense of style and can turn a drafty loft into a plush 30th bday party!

I've started my business plan with a business name of "The Event Executor" b/c I am an executor, that's what I do. But it sounds soooo blah! Any ideas will be appreciated - Thanks!!
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  • Posted byGail@PUBLISIDEon Member
    Event Planning by the Book (then you can write one, too!)

    The Event Organizer or just Event Organization

    What about marketing yourself as you described yourself? The Event Organizing General (??) You could make it fun and inviting, which would in turn, allow people to realize that you do, in fact, create memories -- from the very start.
  • Posted bymichaelon Member
    执行。嗯…只有贝科也许不是正确的术语use perfect execution is expected. You want to focus on the experience. "Event Maker" would be better.

  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    Events To The Nth Degree
    The Event Producer
    The Big Bash
  • Posted on Author
    A number of good suggestions and a few have givene me some play on words ideas to ponder. Thanks everyone!
  • Posted bymvaedeon Accepted
    Events made in Experience
    Your Event, My expertise

    or to paraphrase "michael" : Experience Maker,

    - as I think the experience is important, since this is what people take with them and will eventually recommend you by - not the execution

    Memory by events
    Wonder Events


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