
Topic: Copywriting

Campaign Subject Lines

Posted bylathanson 250 Points
Hello all,
We'll be launching a lead gen campaign for our Central region at the end of July that will run for a few months. We'll be eblasting to a combination of internal and purchased lists of CTO, CIO, and CEOs to drive them to a webinar. After the webinar, reps in 4 metros (Dallas, Houston, Austin, and Oklahoma City) will be hosting roundtable lunches for their top prospects, either cherry picked from the webinar attendees or from other sources.
My question is really for the webinar, which is a Salesforce-compete type educational session about CRM systems. We can test different subject lines as we're doing three sends altogether. Given the target audience, can you give suggestions of subject lines?
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  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Member
    Subject line is not based as much on target audience as to what you are offering (what the benefit is, etc.), which don't think we have enough information in your original question to determine. It could be something like "Invite to a webinar that will help you save 25% on your CRM".

  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    I'm not sure I agree with Peter on this one. (Usually he's spot-on.)

    I think the most effective subject lines use the words that the target audience uses to express its most important and pressing unmet need. It's like the headline on a print ad, and it mirrors the self-talk in your audience's collective head.

    And the words may be different for CEOs than for CIOs, for example, because the words each uses to express their most important unmet needs (and the needs themselves) are probably different.

    As for Phil's caution: Whether your mailing is literally spam or not, if the target audience THINKS it's spam, then the effectiveness will be substantially reduced. I'd be very careful about using a purchased list for this kind of audience.
  • Posted bymvaedeon Member
    I can only agree about purchased lists - be very careful.

    Plz, don't make a sales webi, but a "all about you" one
    Contact me off line for ideas. Don't "sell" but offer - and use this offer to engage -

    Social Media is about engaging, 121 or at least personalized, so why would you want to splash these key prospects ?
    Offer them an incentive, 25% like proposed by Peter or some other engagement - membership bonus or peer recognition as the "first" one to sign up, with a bonus ???

    Think about how you could urge existing members / contacts to reference your Webi or promote it - will be slower, yet so much more efficient with regards to transformation.

    B2B Social Media Marketing

  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    WHY would your target market care about "educational session about CRM systems"? Can you guarantee their company will save time and/or money? Can you prove your solution is better than theirs'? This target market requires safety and cost savings (and proof of both) in their messaging.
  • Posted bylathanson Author
    Looks like the spam police are out in full force today!

    我们做很多在线研讨会每年都不同segments of our current client base for cross- and upsell as well as to prospects for lead gen. We house the webinars on our website on-demand afterwards, extending the lead gen oportunity. They will also be used in the nurture stage for other contacts. Initial campaign lead gen requires this to be an educational session; it's less of a sell that they need a system but rather a comparison about what's available with a play on how ours is "better" (functionality, adoptability, TCO, deployment options, etc.). This is not a commodity, and a sale has less to do with the price than the relationship, expertise, solution, implementation, service, and support. This is why we educate on the product in terms of risk mitigation, productivity, cross-department functionality, communication, and management, and BI toolset. So yes, the incorporation of issues around safety and cost savings is addressed. The webinar is a part of the bigger, well rounded campaign with many other touchpoints, including our social media outlets.

    The offer, really, is information; its a down and dirty comparison from a trusted source to make their own decisions, and hopefully they choose to move forward with a trusted source. We want to at least be able to start the conversation...which is why the roundtables are another important part. This is a deeper dive into pain points, limitations of current solutions, etc. in a captive environment.

    Anybody else regarding those subject lines?
  • Posted bymarketbaseon Accepted
    For consideration:

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