
Topic: Taglines/Names

I Need A Tagline Please

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We are creating an online calendar of events that will include just about any type of event you can think of. The page will be called "Hinton Community Calendar" (though I'm open to pitching new names too) and we'd like to use some sort of good/fun tagline. The calendar is aimed at the local community but may also be used by tourists. We're trying to give the site a mountain community, active, mostly outdoors theme while keeping in mind that there's lots going on during all four seasons of the year. Suggestions from the organizing group have included, "What's Happening", not overly original or fun but clear.

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  • Posted on Member
    The Hinton Community calendar-
    The Hinton Happenings tonight!
    The Hinton Hot Spots-Found here!
    The Hinton Hillside Agenda

    If you are looking to allow the calendar to be used by tourists, you must make the calendar search friendly. Keywords like 'Happenings' , 'Hot Spots' or 'agenda' would definitely be used in a search by a tourist.
  • Posted bymvaedeon Member
    under your feet in Hinton
    Ton of Hints in Hinton
    Hints right now, in Hinton
    Hints in Hinton

    make sure your calender is searchable and even better can be posted online (like a gmail one) to be picked up anywhere.... by those traveling towards you

    B2B Social Marketing
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    Enjoy 4 Seasons of Summers
  • Posted byshmily97on Member
    Can I ask where Hinton is located? What state?
  • Posted byshmily97on Member
    Highlighting what's happening in our highlands..
    What's happening in our highlands...
    Highlights on our highlands..
    Hinton's highland community and events...
  • Posted byshmily97on Member
    Oh sorry... highlands would not apply to foothills. Was working off the mountain community aspect.
  • Posted byshmily97on Accepted
    The Gateway's Goings On ..
    Guide to the Gateway...

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