
Topic: Research/Metrics

Studies On The Importance Of Graphic Design

Posted bypamelahon 250 Points
I am trying to convince a budget-focused executive that investing in good graphic design is important to a professional services brand. He doesn't buy it. So I'm looking for studies that offer a compelling case for the importance of good design. Do you have any favorites you can share with me? The studies can be on any type of design to make my point, I think.
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  • Posted bymvaedeon Member
    I don't have any design studies to share, but what about looking at the items he uses in his daily life
    - what car does he drive : nice design or
    - what pen does he use
    - wear glasses (design or ?)
    - has a watch
    - office furniture or wall paintings (design or not ??)
    - using Apple, iPhone or Mac (user experience as design)

    What I want to get to, is that if some of these items have an element of design in them, then he can't be completely insensitive to the value of design.

    Good design often request a premium price, stronger following, more loyal customers, better press coverage....

    Hope this helps, together with the studies other people from here will provide.

    B2B Marketing
  • Posted bypamelahon Author
    Thank you for your response. That's actually in my presentation strategy. I was going to address the nice office, business clothing, and so forth as examples, then ask the executive team if the company was a car what model would it be and why. This person already told me in a previous meeting that he likes the Lexus brand, so I think I might have him there!

    Still looking for some hard data since he's a numbers guy. Thanks again for your insightful reply.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
  • Posted bymarketbaseon Accepted
    Don''t have stats off hand, but perhaps you can find something through: - association of designers
    magazines (which often research/publish such info):

  • Posted bypamelahon Author
    Thank you for your responses. I will keep this question open another day, just in case someone has a gem. Your input is appreciated.
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    You could do a simple two-cell market research test with a straightforward concept for a product or service. One cell would have text only. The other would have the same text plus a relevant graphic design in the presentation. See which one generates a higher purchase intent.

    If the one with the graphic design enhancement loses, you don't deserve to win the debate with your boss. If it wins, your boss won't be able to say much about graphic design not being worth more than its cost.
  • Posted bypamelahon Author
    Good suggestion. I am looking at having a style board created to show a before-after difference, but hadn't thought of a quick informal market research project.
    Thanks for your input.
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    The value of design lies NOT in what you pay for it, but in what it COSTS you not to do it.

    Here are a few studies and articles:

    I've been a graphic designer for 25 years. Again and again I've come across the question of the value of investing in design. To ignore design means mediocrity rules. Without design, blandness rules.

    When bland and mediocre marketing and design are put in place to save money, the end result is that revenue falls. This happens because design helps differentiate you from your competitors.

    If design didn't matter your boss would be riding the bus to work. He'd be wearing the same clothes every day. He'd be using generic brands, printing his letters on grey, recycled paper, and signing his letters in crayon or with sticks of charcoal.

    Want to see how design adds to the bottom line? Compare Apple's website or store design with Best Buy's general computer section. Compare any Trump hotel with
    any other cut price hotel. Compare the design for the Tate Modern in London with any design from a budget cutting, myopically run non-profit.

    Design sets you apart. Design calls attention. Design creates aspiration. Design increases revenue.

    你的老板宁愿做什么:削减服务或薄ost revenue? To make money one needs to use money for the purpose it was invented for: as a unit of exchange that increases the value of the RESULT of the exchange.

    That's what money is for. And that's what design does:
    it increases the perceived value of the results obtained by the client or customer.

    I don't need any survey to tell me this—I've got 25 years of experience and accumulated knowledge to back me up.

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
    The Direct Response Marketing Guy™
    Princeton, NJ, USA

  • Posted bypamelahon Author
    Thanks, everyone. I always get what I need from my fellow marketers! You're the best.

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