
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Suggestion For Healthy Spice Paste Tagline

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hi Everyone,
We have created very delicious and healthy multipurpose Spice Paste that can be used with BBQs, Oven roasts and vegetarian dishes. The product is made from all natural spice ingredients - no sugar, no preservatives, no gluten and no artificial flavors. Our main message is " you save time, money and cook healthy meal". The reason being instead of buying multiple spices you only need one product that has carefully blended spices, you don't need to guess what spice to use for what dishes and the product is healthy.

Although the original recipe was based on East African cuisines but it can be used for any cooking that calls for spices. We already picked a generic company name. Just need assistance with tagline that convey: Healthy, delicious, affordable, and used for many types of cooking.

Thank you in advance.
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  • Posted bypegon Member
    Okay, Monmark has a point about knowing the generic name, but assuming it is actually generic and says something about "spice" in the name, let's kick-start this with a few ideas:

    Smith Spice Paste (I'm using this as your generic name)
    The instant healthy upgrade for meat, fish and vegetables

    Smith Spice Paste
    A bouquet of healthy flavor in one affordable squeeze.
    (somewhere else on the package:
    Use it for meat, fish and vegetarian meals.)

    Smith Spice Paste
    16 healthy spices for fish, meat and vegetarian dishes.

    It's a place to start until you share the real version of Smith Spice Paste.

  • Posted on Author
    Thank you for responses, everyone.
    The generic name for the product is actually non English name, which is actually the name of one of the main ingredients of the spice paste. It translates to "Magic Spice paste" We call it "Magic" because literally this products can used to spice up umerous cooking. Let me give tell you an how good this product is. On July 23/2011, we launched the product by having outdoor BBQ and invited over 150 people. We cooked about 5 different dishes. Every went crazy about it. They bought about 217 bottles within 2 hours time. So let use the word "Magic Spice Paste" as name to kick start the tagline ideas. I hope this helps a bit.
  • Posted on Author
    After reading some branding questions on the forum, I realized I didn't give you enough details to help me. My apologies.
    Here you go...
    Adding to what I have already stated, the spice paste recipe was originally from western Ethiopia, the very same place where coffee, which is the world's number 1 hot beverage, was originated ( in case you didn't know). Basically the villagers used to prepare meals using this spice blend to prevent illnesses and help women retain their beauty.
    The idea for marketing this product began over 3 years ago. So far we have tasted the paste on the following recipes:
    - Oven Roasts: - Beef, chicken, pork
    - Stir-fried beef,
    - Meat Stews
    - Fish
    - BBQs
    - Bean Dip ( Foul) - very famous stable meal in Africa and Middle Eastern countries
    - Mexican - Taco mix,
    - Pasta sauce and burgers.

    Our target customers:
    Eventually we would like to distribute the product to retailers and restaurants. While we have great a product, we are not strong in marketing it. That is why we would like to start with a good tagline.
  • Posted on Author
    Hi there,
    我想知道如果有任何身体请帮帮我adding more suggestions. If my question is not clear enough, I would appreciate feedback so that I can explain further.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    Make Everything Taste Delicious
    Amazingly Transform Meat, Fish, and Bean Dishes
  • Posted bypegon Member
    Here are some tagline suggestions that could work in both retail and restaurant environments:

    Magic Spice Sauce
    An exotic Ethiopian spice blend for meat, poultry and fish

    Magic Spice Sauce
    A gourmet mix of 16 exotic spices for meat, fish and poultry

    Magic Spice Sauce
    An instant taste transformation for meat, poultry and fish

  • Posted bymvaedeon Member
    Ethiopiaquilly good

    African Sauce for daily food
    - daily as an indication for affordable

    African Sound Spicy Sauce
    - sound as in healthy - not as in singing of praise once used

    Natural Blend of Ethiopian spices for daily food
    - natural as in healthy

    so following my own idea

    Naturally Sound Spicy Sauce for Daily food or
    Ethiopian Sound Spicy Sauce for Daily food

    B2B Marketing
  • Posted on Author
    so the following suggestions are on the right track:

    Peg's suggestion "An exotic Ethiopian spice blend for meat, poultry and fish" - doesn't meat include poultry as well?

    The spices we use doesn't necessarily come from Ethiopia. The recipe is. So can I say "Ethiopian spice"?

    Jay Hamilton-Roth's idea:

    "Amazingly Transform Meat, Fish, and Bean Dishes" so far the strongest suggestion. Instead of Bean Dishes I would say vegetarian dishes?

    Mikael's suggestion "Natural Blend of Ethiopian spices for daily food" also good

    I really appreciate all of you for giving me feedback. We are close but not there yet. I am looking for tagline that sends strong message with a punch.

    We would like to promote the paste as a product that:
    - saves people time because cooking with it is quick
    - saves money because a) you don't spend money on multiple spices b) you make delicious meals at home and reduce dining out
    - the spice paste is versatile and makes just about any meal delicious
    - Healthy because don't have chemicals in it
  • Posted bypegon Accepted
    It might be time to re-set expectations.

    What you've outlined would result in something like this: "Quick, affordable, natural blend of healthy, versatile spices for an easy, amazing transformation of daily meat, fish and vegetarian dishes." And to this, add punch.

    Let's start here: The job of a tagline is to introduce or characterize, in a short phrase or caption, your product. It can't tell everything, and it can't substitute for a marketing plan. (Remember, your packaging, promotional material and website need to carry the more detailed messages.)

    A good tagline tells the main story simply, and at a good length it would be something like this:
    -- "Magic Spice Sauce: 16 amazing spices for meat, fish and vegetarian dishes"

    However, if you want punch, which is a different style, you'll need to take a different direction. To illustrate, look at these examples of taglines from movies, where the "punch" tagline is an art form. Notice they encapsulate the product, but don't catalog its elements:

    -- "Men in Black: Protecting the earth from the scum of the universe"
    -- "Catch Me If You Can: The true story of a real fake"
    -- "Dumb and Dumber: For Harry and Lloyd, every day is a no-brainer"

    Here are equivalents in the food business -- again, they make a strong point, but don't explain or catalog the elements of the product:
    -- "Breakfast of champions"
    -- "Good to the last drop"
    -- "The pause that refreshes"
    -- "M'm! M'm! Good!"

    Magic Spice Sauce might say:
    -- "So good you'll add it to everything," or
    -- "16 exotic spices with the power to change your day."

    So, here's what's next:
    1. Decide whether to have a literal tagline, or one with punch.
    2. If literal, you already have good suggestions you can refine.
    3. If punch, you need to center on the feeling or emotion you want to evoke from consumers. But realize, punch can't use phrases such as "meat, fish and vegetable dishes."
    4. Mentally assign most of the parts of the messaging to packaging, promotions and website. This will unburden you when facing the challenge of a tagline, and you'll see the answer more clearly.

    Hope this helps you get across the finish line.

  • Posted on Author
    Thank you everyone for your great contributions.

    Peg, you have not only answered my question but you also educated me on the difference between literal and punch tagline. Both of your suggestions:

    "So good you'll add it to everything," or

    -- "16 exotic spices with the power to change your day."

    are excellent. I will take your suggestions and discuss with my team.
    Thank you again

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