
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Bookstore

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Working on tagline for bookstore. We sell intimacy books dealing with improved sexual health (tasteful)that people can keep near their beds or "headboad" to refer to over and over again including journals and other reference type books (i.e. wine) We may also expand to bedtime story books people can read to their children in the future. We like selling books people can use and want to keep around, books you woudn't necessarily want to read on a "Nook" because you may need to refer to them on more than one occasion. In other words, we don't want our tagline to restrict us to just intimacy books so we can expand if we choose to do so in the future.
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    What's the name of your bookstore? Do you have a URL?
    Who specifically are you targeting?
    Are you a brick-and-mortar bookstore, an online-only bookstore, or some hybrid?

    The more you can share about your bookstore plans, the more useful our advice is likely to be.
  • Posted on Author
    Hi Jay!
    Thanks for responding. We are not brick and mortar. We're trying to appeal to women and men. Our customers are those who may be experiencing sexual dysfunction or concerns that affect intimacy (i.e. menapause, ED, long term marriage, etc.) most likely 40's, middle age and above, but we also like selling books for wine enthusiast. For example, we sell Dr. Laura Berman books. Our store is called Headboard Books. We're trying to avoid a tagline that would limit us in the event that we want to branch out to include bedtime story books for children, etc.
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    The dilemma is this: The more general the tagline, the less impactful it will be with any one audience. So if you want maximum impact, you'll focus the name on a very specific target audience, with a very specific benefit.

    In effect, you've defined a problem that may not have a great solution. If it's general enough to not limit you, it won't be specific enough to say anything meaningful to any of your target audiences. And if it's specific enough to really "grab" a target audience, it will limit you in the future with other audiences.

    My recommendation would be to focus on one audience and come up with a tagline that's perfect for that audience. If/when you want to expand to other audiences, you can create another business name to do it.

    Headboard Books is not very specific, so your tagline needs to tell your target audience what kind of books you have, and why they should pay attention. I don't know what mental picture to conjure up when I hear "Headboard Books."

    If the common thread across your markets is "books you'll want to keep," then the message is so general that nobody will really know what makes you different from, or better than, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Chapters, or any other bookseller.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for responding Mgoodman! Okay, for now I'll just continue to focus on books for the bedroom.
    I do believe more women than men will be interested in the books because they are familiar with Dr. Laura Berman, and are probably more apt. to purchase books that offer information on how to improve sex/intimacy when there are unfortunate problems due to health issues, aging, etc. I want men to feel comfortable shopping at our bookstoe because I'm finding that there is a reason for Viagara especially amongst middle age (and older) women and men.
    So far, when I have mentioned the name of the store to a few people, some connected it to intimacy, and others to a place to keep your favorite books when you want to relax and read in bed. So, I don't feel it's too general or lacking in meaning. Who knew Amazon or Barnes and Nobles were book companies until someone told them?
  • Posted on Author
    P.S. Thanks Mgoodman, you made me puton my thinking cap.
  • Posted on Author
    One last thought:
    My graphic designer is working on a logo as we speak. Initally, I pictured an illustrated red headboard with a bra dangling on one of the post. Although, I liked the notion, I don't want to give the impression that it's a "sex" shop. I'd be too embarrassed to give out business cards: )
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    Did you provide your graphic designer with a creative brief for the logo? If not, you should ask the designer to stop work until you've decided on a clear strategy. (See:

    If you want to specialize in books on sex/intimacy, the graphic design direction is totally different than if you want to communicate "books you'll want to keep" -- even with the headboard reference. And if you want to appeal mostly to women, that will probably lead to a different design direction than if it's for men or couples.

    If you want to discuss, let me know. (Use the email address in my profile.) We have a publishing company and one of the titles we distribute is related to sexual health, so this is a very familiar topic.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    For Sharing With Your Bedtime Companion
    Turning Ideas Into Action
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks again for your responses! Thanks for the link Mgoodman. Will check it out. I have a lot to think about.

    *Sorry for grammatical/spelling errors. Was in a hurry and didn't get to proofread in great detail.

  • Posted on Author
    To Mgoodman:
    Tried accessing your profile for email address, but could not link to your page even after several tries.
  • Posted on Author
    再次感谢你的回复。我还没完g, and may focus more on the benefits of reading in bed to go with the name of our store. This approach will allow us to sell a variety of books if we desire. Many people read in bed. It can be relaxing for adults, and comforting to children (bedtime story). It can be a turn on in more ways than none. Slipping into something comfortable can mean reading a good book. It can be a book that leads to intimacy, or one that peaks one's interest in wine for example. As for Amazon, etc. our store is more intimate because it's smaller and has more specific titles in mind.
  • Posted bykannanveeraiahon Member
    My suggestions for Tag Lines :

    "...For Books to Turn You On !"

    "Classic Choices to Turn You On!" or

    "For Classic Books to Turn You On!"
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    Not sure what the problem is with accessing my profile. If necessary, follow the link in my earlier message, and then click on "contact" at the bottom of the page. (But first try accessing the profile again; it worked for me just a few moments ago.)
  • Posted bymvaedeon Member
    invigorating comfort

    pleasurable comfort - comfort of pleasure

    These are not too sex, yet clearly for more grown ups - not your kids bed time story market.

    Think the bra on the bedhead might send a stronger than necessary image, especially if you're not fully certain of the strategy to market you will adopt.

    B2B Marketing
  • Posted on Author
    A thumbs up for "invigorating comfort"
  • Posted on Author
    Still thinking. Haven't decided but have been given great suggestions. Thumbs up for "Bedtime Companion" and "For Books To Turn You On". Have a few of my own that could be possibilities. May post later for opinions.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for the link Mgoodman. The information I read gave me a clearer understanding of what's important for coming up with a great tagline.

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